[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Add example transcoding.c

Andrey Utkin andrey.krieger.utkin at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 12:50:09 CET 2014

2014-02-18 13:27 GMT+02:00 Nicolas George <george at nsup.org>:
> Le decadi 30 pluviôse, an CCXXII, Andrey Utkin a écrit :
>> Non-empty valgrind report. This wasn't here before.
> And why would this need to be _cured_?
>> I haven't used it in my apps before in this case, but i would like to
> There you are.
>> use it at last here for brevity, because internally it really does
>> what is needed - it copies all properties.
> And that is exactly the problem. Copying the frame size and pixel format is
> fine, copying the codec-dependant or internal stuff, such as extradata, rate
> control, etc., is not what is wanted here.
>>                                            And it feels wrong to
>> rewrite similar procedure in each project.
> Then you should propose a new API to copy the portable properties, just for
> that particular use.

Thank you for clarification.
I think i need to take also pixel/sample formats from encoder AVCodec,
not from source AVCodecContext. And for now i'll copy needed
properties manually.

Andrey Utkin

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