[FFmpeg-devel] Bug Tracker Etiquette is Unacceptable

Andrew Kelley superjoe30 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 20:10:42 CET 2014

I subscribed to ffmpeg-devel a couple days ago. Unsubscribing...

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Derek Buitenhuis <
derek.buitenhuis at gmail.com> wrote:

> > The unacceptable behaviour here as well as on trac comes from yourself in
> > showing everyone that you're able to write down the abusive words you
> know of.
> > I'm sure everyone can understand your arguments about that ticket much
> better
> > after reading them.
> I agree I have a tendency to swear, but this is build up from years of
> dealing with Carl's nonsense, hypocrisy,
> and rudeness. It didn't just happen. And, it doesn't make my points
> any less valid.
> - Silently closing bugs without explanation.
> - Harassing contributors to follow developer guidelines while he does
> not do so himself.
> - Closing bugs before EVEN TESTING them. (His own words: "When I
> closed this ticket,
>   I had not yet done a complete analysis and I was not 100% sure if it
> is really a duplicate.")
> - Asking for "info" in a rote, telemarketer-type manner on every bug,
> even where it is 100% useless,
>   and closing them. ("full uncut output")
> Among others.
> I assure you I am not alone in feeling this way.
> - Derek
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