[FFmpeg-devel] Sponsoring and generating money in general (IRC meeting follow-up)
Peter B.
pb at das-werkstatt.com
Tue Jan 14 18:09:02 CET 2014
Quoting Stefano Sabatini <stefasab at gmail.com>:
> Funding development is a bit more complicated. As I wrote during the
> meeting, if one or more companies/individuals want a feature and they
> do a donation, we can't guarantee that the expense will be approved by
> SPI, so for such form of sponsoring maybe some different system is
> needed, for example a crowdfunding/bounty platform.
For individuals, I think that crowdfunding/bounty could be a good
thing to try. At the "ardour" project [1] for example, I saw that the
simple display of ongoing "feature requests paid-by-bounty", and the
currently collected amount seemed to raise awareness among users that
these things could be paid for. I guess this transparency might have
encouraged users to think about paying development improvements. Maybe?
However, there is a huge difference between individuals and companies
when requesting a paid development: I've had the concrete case already
that a company refused to pay ffmpeg improvements, because they
wanted/had to book that as proper expense - not as donation.
I'm not too familiar with taxation laws, but companies seem to require
some legal entity to "make the deal with".
== References:
[1] http://ardour.org/
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