[FFmpeg-devel] Areas needing work
ab.listsubs at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 19:03:56 CEST 2015
On Monday 06 April 2015 09:13 AM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> Hi all
> There are various areas in the project that are not maintained as well as they
> should be, heres a certainly not comlpete list, dont hesitate to reply and add to it.
> If someone wants to pick something up and contribute that is VERY welcome
> * Post merge review&cleanup, changes merged from libav would benefit from
> people reviewing and MUCH MUCH more importantly also people actually caring
> about and taking responsibility not just dumping comments with the idea
> "someone" will fix it.
> Ideally each area would have a maintainer who takes care of it and
> keeps it in good nick.
> * fate clients
> we lack a armcc test, a real android test
> someone should take over haiku and sunos/solaris fate clients, my haiku VM just
> keeps crashing
I have some spare capacity, I'll try setting up a Haiku VM this weekend.
Are the sunos fate clients in a VM? Is it possible for you to export the VMs for me to download?
If someone can point me to what is required for an Android FATE client and how to set one up I can do that as well.
> * our fate server lacks the ability to display a user specified release
> this makes the output look quite unwieldy
> Timothy was working on a rewrite
> * Paid maintainers
> a big problem is that we have areas in the codebase that have no maintainr or
> rather noone with sufficient time+will+abilty.
> It would help tremendiusly if maintainers could work full
> time on maintaining code instead of just a few hours in their free
> time
> * ffserver lacks a regression test
> code that is not tested will accumulate bugs. period
> there are people who use ffserver, they clearly like the lack of regression
> tests it seems as noone finds the need to look into changing that.
> * more people should help on https://trac.ffmpeg.org, like check that tickets
> contain all information needed to reproduce and ask the reporter to provide
> missing information, check if things are regressions, if they can be reproduced,
> bisect regressions or ask the reporter to bisect and help him if needed
> close tickets where there is not enough information to reproduce and the
> reporter doesnt react for months. ATM carl does all that and more but
> iam sure he wouldnt mind if more people would help him
> * Stipends and Sponsorship programs
> We do not have enough funds for basic things, for example OPW/Outreachy is
> twice a year and to participate we have to pay at least one stipend
> (about 6.5k USD). We participated in december 2014 and it allowed us to convert
> all remaining libmpcodecs filters to the native system. resulted in multiple
> new video filters and several block ciphers which are faster then all other
> tested implementations. For may 2015 we only way after the last minute managed
> to secure some funding so we are short of applicants now as for a long
> time ffmpeg was not listed as a participating org.
> * Decentralize
> Too many things are done and admined by me, iam doing security updates to the
> servers, doing the git merges, maintaining all releases, maintaining half the
> fate clients, submitting data to coverity and doing all the crap that noone
> else wants to do.
> Does the community care so little that they want me to be a single point of
> failure?
> We need people to take some of this over at least on the basis of a backup
> in case iam unavailable for whatever reason, and i think it should ideally
> be people who do not yet have their daily work shedule overflowing with ffmpeg
> work but better new volunteers.
Besides the ones listed further up, which ones would you like me to host?
> * Conferences / exhibitions, public stuff
> Theres a conference, linuxtag, fosdem, whatever, wherever in your local area
> and you think FFmpeg should be represented there ?
> Simple, go there and represent FFmpeg! unless you are too shy ... of course.
> FFmpeg is a large community of users and developers, the developers who
> managed the last stands/booths arent special, every FFmpeg developer and even
> Users who know ffmpeg a bit better who like can do this too.
> Also please add all conferences / exhibitions to
> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Conferences
> You dont have time to help with any above or you prefer pretending that
> you dont, well, maybe you know someone else who could help with something,
> dont hesitate to ask them / forward this!
> please make sure to keep ffmpeg-devel in CC if you reply from ffmpeg-user
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