[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/3] 10 Bit support for Decklink input device

Georg Lippitsch georg.lippitsch at gmx.at
Sun Jan 18 20:44:13 CET 2015

Am 11.01.2015, 16:31 Uhr, schrieb Anshul <anshul.ffmpeg at gmail.com>:

>> +    result = ctx->dli->EnableVideoInput(ctx->bmd_mode,
>> +                                        cctx->v210 ? bmdFormat10BitYUV  
>> : bmdFormat8BitYUV,
>> +                                        bmdVideoInputFlagDefault);
> Why not save bmdFormat10BitYUV in cctx instead of 1 or 0 in cctx->v210  
> flag?

Because this is set directly via AVOption.
Saving the bmdFormat beforehand would require an additional variable and  
an extra function to map from the BM SDKs internal type.

> can you please add in commit message how should I test it. it would be
> easier for me.

Ok, an extra patchset with new commit messages follows. Also, I created a  
patch for the indevs documentation.


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