[FFmpeg-devel] [libav-devel] [PATCH] libopenjpegdec: check existence of image component data

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 1 00:27:22 CEST 2015

On 31.05.2015 11:11, Luca Barbato wrote:
> On 30/05/15 20:00, Andreas Cadhalpun wrote:
>> +    memset(&ctx->event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t));
> usually the size is sizeof(*actualpoint)

Yes that's better, patch updated.
I just copied this from libopenjpegenc.c, so it should be fixed
there too. Additional patch for that attached.

>> +    ctx->event_mgr.info_handler    = info_callback;
>> +    ctx->event_mgr.error_handler   = error_callback;
>> +    ctx->event_mgr.warning_handler = warning_callback;
>> +    opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr) dec, &ctx->event_mgr, avctx);
> The rest seems fine, not sure info_callback should be DEBUG or VERBOSE,
> I'll go with your pick if nobody has other opinions.

I just picked what was used by the encoder.

Best regards,

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