[FFmpeg-devel] GSoC '15 Introduction
Ilinca Andrei
andrei.ilinca24 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 7 19:24:16 CET 2015
Short description:
Full name : Andrei Ilinca
IRC Handle: andrei_il / andrei__il
Studies: Second year student at the Faculty of Automatic Control and
Computer Science at the Polytechnic Univ of Bucharest
Github: https://github.com/ailinca
I'll try to divide my introduction mail into two main parts:
Background, why FFmpeg and why directshow digital video capture project.
I'm Andrei, I'm a second year student at the Faculty of Automatic
Control and Computer Science at the Polytechnic Univ of Bucharest. This
GSoC is my first opportunity to work with the open source community and I
can say I'm thrilled!
I have experience working with C and I enjoy coding using this
language.C was my language of choice both for academic purposes and for
coding challenges like talentbuddy <https://www.talentbuddy.co> and
codingame <http://www.codingame.com>. Currently, I m exploring other
areas as well, such as developing a standalone Java app that tracks how you
spend money or some simple game in C++ and Qt. While programming is my
carrer choice, math was always my passion. Since Primary School I attended
contests and got rewarded Localy ,CityWide and National. I enjoy solving
various smart mathematical problems with applications in all areas of
* Why FFmpeg?*
Why FFmpeg? Honestly, I did not start looking for a project on this
GSoC having the fixed FFmpeg org in mind, I was just looking for a C
project. Because there are plenty orgs, with plenty projects and it's
difficult to choose one, having no previous experience. On short, I landed
on your project page more or less randomly. But I stayed. And here's why.
FFmpeg development involves something that I've always considered
interesting and that is encoding/decoding information. While I was on your
website, I asked myself how is voice converted to digital, how does it
happen, which lead me to this
. All in all, I find all this interesting, a lot of new notions to me, but
it's definetly somnething I would see myself enjoying working on throughout
the summer.
*Why directshow digital video capture ?*
Simply because It sounds really interesting and entertaining. I have
some experience using Matlab and Simulink for converting from time-domain
to frequency-domain and back, Bode & Nyquist Diagrams and I have basic
knowledge about how filters work and how they can be used and implemented.
I've done some research about video capturing in DirectShow , mainly on this
and I believe this project suits me the best.
I got the git code base cloned and started reading and documenting
about it.
I would like to work on the qualification task for this project but
I need some more informations about it. How should I proceed further?
I'll be around on IRC quite a lot, but I'll get in touch more once I
start working on something. If you have any feedback or criticism, please
do, it's appreciated!
Sorry for the long-ish mail! It really seems like an interesting
project and something I'm very enthusiastic about.
Hello! Short description: Full name : Andrei Ilinca IRC Handle: andrei_il
/ andrei__il Studies: Second year student at the Faculty of Automatic
Control and Computer Science at the Polytechnic Univ of Bucharest Github:
https://github.com/ailinca I'll try to divide my introduction mail into two
main parts: Background, why FFmpeg and why directshow digital video capture
project. Background I'm Andrei, I'm a second year student at the Faculty of
Automatic Control and Computer Science at the Polytechnic Univ of
Bucharest. This GSoC is my first opportunity to work with the open source
community and I can say I'm thrilled! I have experience working with C and
I enjoy coding using this language.C was my language of choice both for
academic purposes and for coding challenges like talentbuddy(linkuri) and
codingame(aici sa pui linkuri). Currently, I m exploring other areas as
well, such as developing a standalone Java app that tracks how you spend
money or some simple game in C++ and Qt. While programming is my carrer
choice, math was always my passion. Since Primary School I attended
contests and got rewarded Localy ,CityWide and National. I enjoy solving
various smart mathematical problems with applications in all areas of
research. Why FFmpeg? Why FFmpeg? Honestly, I did not start looking for a
project on this GSoC having the fixed FFmpeg org in mind, I was just
looking for a C project. Because there are plenty orgs, with plenty
projects and it's difficult to choose one, having no previous experience.
On short, I landed on your project page more or less randomly. But I
stayed. And here's why. FFmpeg development involves something that I've
always considered interesting and that is encoding/decoding information.
While I was on your website, I asked myself how is voice converted to
digital, how does it happen, which lead me to this [
]. All in all, I find all this interesting, a lot of new notions to me, but
it's definetly somnething I would see myself enjoying working on throughout
the summer. Why directshow digital video capture ? Simply because It sounds
really interesting and entertaining. I have some experience using Matlab
and Simulink for converting from time-domain to frequency-domain and back,
Bode & Nyquist Diagrams and I have basic knowledge about how filters work
and how they can be used and implemented. I've done some research about
video capturing in DirectShow , mainy on this link, and I believe this
project suits me the best. I got the git code base cloned and started
reading and documenting about it. I would like to work on the qualification
task for this project but I need some more informations about it. How
should I proceed further? I'll be around on IRC quite a lot, but I'll get
in touch more once I start working on something. If you have any feedback
or criticism, please do, it's appreciated! Sorry for the long-ish mail! It
really seems like an interesting project and something I'm very
enthusiastic about. Regards, Andrei
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