[FFmpeg-devel] [FFmpeg-cvslog] build: use a link instead of changing current directory when compiling

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 3 00:41:01 CET 2016

On 02.02.2016 17:13, Clément Bœsch wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 08:51:32PM +0100, Andreas Cadhalpun wrote:
>> ffmpeg | branch: master | Andreas Cadhalpun <Andreas.Cadhalpun at googlemail.com> | Mon Jan 25 01:42:23 2016 +0100| [b46aae093634271931395d65f422f4b2a23112d3] | committer: Andreas Cadhalpun
>> build: use a link instead of changing current directory when compiling
>> If links don't work, fall back to using the full source path as was
>> previously done.
>> This should fix build failures with MSVC.
> This commit seems to break coverage.
> [~/ffbuild/lcov]☭ make lcov
> LCOV	coverage.info
> Cannot open source file src/ffmpeg_vdpau.c
> [...]

I see, it passes '-b $(SRC_PATH)' to lcov, which is now unnecessary/harmful
for out-of-tree builds using the src link.
The first attached patch changes it to simply use the current directory in
that case.
The second patch was necessary to fix the following error:
lcov: ERROR: cannot write to coverage.info!

Does it work for you without that patch?

> http://coverage.ffmpeg.org is broken because of this.

It would be great if that site would have a more meaningful error message
than '404 Not Found'.

Best regards,

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