[FFmpeg-devel] Replacing fate.f.o with fatebeta
Timothy Gu
timothygu99 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 5 02:10:16 CET 2016
Hi all,
It has been more than a year (whew!) since I deployed the [new FATE server][1]
to fatebeta.ffmpeg.org. Not much has changed on my end, except that some
bugs are fixed and some long-sought-after features like the failometer are
Earlier today, on the #ffmpeg-devel IRC channel, several people have expressed
their support for fatebeta to go out of beta, as well as several suggestions:
09:21 <@nevcairiel> or you know, just replace fate already
09:21 <@nevcairiel> i've been using it exclusively lately, anything wrong with
it? :)
09:21 <@Daemon404> i keep forgetting it exists
09:22 <@nevcairiel> the main reason i use it is the version branch separation,
release branches clutter the view on the main one so much
09:22 < jamrial> fatebeta is nice but it would be nicer if it also had the
same top bar as the original fate
As of now, the "top bar" James mentioned has been added, so fatebeta has full
feature parity with the old FATE website.
So now, I formally propose that we promote fatebeta.ffmpeg.org to
I plan to keep the old website for a while, just to make sure that if
something breaks there's a fallback option. After two months, the fallback
will be removed.
I will be coordinating this move with Baptiste, who is the root of
fate.ffmpeg.org. However, due to his frequent busy schedule, I would love it
if I could be made a root of the server as well.
A maximum 30-minute downtime will also be expected (uploading results is not
affected), but if everything goes well I feel that it will be little more than
5 minutes.
If you have any objections or concerns, speak now or forever hold your peace.
[1]: http://lists.ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2014-November/164850.html
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