[FFmpeg-devel] adding RGBA and BGRA to nvenc.c

Andy Furniss adf.lists at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 13:01:25 EEST 2016

Sven C. Dack wrote:

> It is not an issue. x11grab produces BGR0 and nvenc can handle it
> with the patch. It's giving me 100fp/s (up from 47fp/s) with a
> 1920x1080 monitor. I'd imagine people with 4K displays will be happy,
> too, although they will have to live with lower speeds of perhaps 30
> fp/s. Would be interesting to know how it performs on 4K though.


xrandr --output <output-name>  --fb 3840x2160 --panning 3840x2160

I don't know what it is about x11grab/CSC with ffmpeg, but on my
old CPU gstreamer is twice as fast.

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