[FFmpeg-devel] (no subject)

Ivan Kalvachev ikalvachev at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 17:58:39 EEST 2017

On 8/22/17, Rodrigo Severo <rodrigo at fabricadeideias.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> My company does some video recording and internal streaming.
> Our current solution (on Ubuntu 16.10 servers) uses ffmpeg and
> ffserver (versions 3.0.7). It works great.
> Unfortunately, on Ubuntu 17.04, it stopped working. I believe the
> problems I'm facing are related to the deprecation of ffserver. On
> Ubuntu 17.04 the ffmpeg/ffserver available is version 3.2.4.
> I would like to know if there is any developer(s) interested in
> assuming a paid job to maintain ffserver making it compatible with
> present and future ffmpeg versions (most important part) and
> eventually implementing new features.
> Are any of you interested?
> Please contact me privately if interested so we can further detail
> what should be done.
> Regards,
> Rodrigo Severo

Would you please resend your offer with properly filled email subject.
Something like "offer paid job to maintain ffserver".

It's quite easy to miss email with "no subject", especially with all
the spam around.

I also would like ffserver to be maintained.
Unfortunately streaming, format handling etc
are not my area of expertise.

Best Regards.

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