[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 2/2] configure: instruct MSVC 2015 to properly process UTF-8 string literals
Carl Eugen Hoyos
ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 11:29:45 EET 2017
2017-02-04 10:25 GMT+01:00 Hendrik Leppkes <h.leppkes at gmail.com>:
> Another MSVC workaround is an undocumented compiler pragma, which
> works in 2013, but not in 2012 (#pragma
> execution_character_set("utf-8")), but adding pragmas to files is also
> not something you can just easily hide away without it becoming ugly.
Is there a real disadvantage adding the pragma after your patch
gets applied?
Carl Eugen
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