[FFmpeg-devel] AMD external header

Tobias Rapp t.rapp at noa-archive.com
Tue Nov 28 09:47:54 EET 2017

On 27.11.2017 17:14, Pavel Koshevoy wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 8:25 AM, Nicolas George <george at nsup.org> wrote:
>> Mironov, Mikhail (2017-11-27):
>>> #1
>>>     policy: do not include external headers
>>>     goal: minimize maintenance efforts and increase stability of the project
>>>     action: remove NVidia headers
>> Add to the goal: avoid being complicit of free-riders on the Libre
>> software bandwagon.
> That is unnecessarily un-diplomatic and will likely offend the
> contributors from nvidia and amd.
> Personally, I would prefer if the bundled external headers were
> installed together with ffmpeg public headers (so nvenc/cuda/etc...
> weren't simply private headers within ffmpeg).  There are some nvenc
> APIs I need to query hardware capabilities to avoid setting nvenc
> codec parameters that would cause the codec to fail to initialize via
> ffmpeg apis.  Given that ffmpeg already includes the headers that
> declare those APIs I've been able to use them without installing nvenc
> SDK separately, but since they are private headers in the ffmpeg
> source tree it feels dirty to do that.

Your use-case looks like an argument for moving the external headers 
into some separate repository. Not that I personally care much about 
bundling or not bundling. To me the more important question seems to be 
whether to auto-enable the encoders/decoders that depend on the external 
headers and libraries or not.


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