[FFmpeg-devel] Building FFmpeg dylibs for OSX

Helmut K. C. Tessarek tessarek at evermeet.cx
Sat Feb 24 09:52:33 EET 2018

On 2018-02-24 01:22, livinginlosangeles at mac.com wrote:
> I can successfully compile ffmpeg info lgpl compliant dylibs which I can link to from /usr/local. I specify /usr/local during my ./configure phase. All OK. I want to be able to include them as dylibs in my OSX app package. The app wants to see dylibs which are built using @rpath like @rpath/libavutil.dylib when inspecting the dylib using otool. Would anyone have any recommendations on how to accomplish this? I must include ffmpeg dylibs in my app.

You can have a look at how the VLC project does it. All of their libs
are dynamic libs which are located in one sub directory of the app.

So you have to set the rpath relative to your binary that makes the calls.

  K. C.

regards Helmut K. C. Tessarek              KeyID 0x172380A011EF4944
Key fingerprint = 8A55 70C1 BD85 D34E ADBC 386C 1723 80A0 11EF 4944

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   await thee at its end.

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