[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 3.4 0/2] configure: fix LIBDRM handling for static linking

Giulio Benetti giulio.benetti at micronovasrl.com
Wed Oct 17 16:54:56 EEST 2018

Re-add everybody in Cc

Il 17/10/2018 15:08, Carl Eugen Hoyos ha scritto:
> 2018-10-17 14:02 GMT+02:00, Giulio Benetti <giulio.benetti at micronovasrl.com>:
>> Commit c50dc77ac708e98d02da7c422a6b9cbf9f565aa5 has a pitfall, it
>> appends -ldrm to "Libs:" instead of "Libs.private:" in avutil.pc.
> Assuming this was not a regression before:
> This should not have been backported, it's bad enough to maintain
> security issues and regressions, if a distribution wants this, they
> should take of it themselves.

So you mean I should send a patch to improve this instead of reverting 
the previous patch and adding a new one including corrected points?

> If the new patch gets committed and backported, please do it before 3.4.5
> gets released.

Sure I will if I understand how to work this out.
Sorry but I'm pretty new to this workflow and I'm discovering 
step-by-step how to make it work correctly.

Thank you and
Best regards
Giulio Benetti

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