[FFmpeg-devel] Mentoring project: music test source

Mina minas.gorgy at gmail.com
Sun Sep 30 23:28:08 EEST 2018

On 09/30/2018 07:41 PM, Nicolas George wrote:
> Hi.
> For the next rounds of sponsored internships, I would like to propose
> the following project, that I would mentor:
> A music-like audio lavfi source for testing purposes.
> That means a deterministic pseudo-random stream of notes with varied
> frequencies, with a structure that looks like music

Do you mean by "look like music" to just follow music theory rules or 
actually sound like real music.
Just curious.

>   and would trigger
> the same pathways in filters and codecs.
> It would be based on asrc_sine, which already has a fast bit-exact
> sinusoidal signal generator. On top of that, the filter would change the
> frequency randomly to make notes according to a tempo, preferably by
> following harmony rules, and would shape the note with an envelope and
> harmonics.
> As qualification tasks, I can propose:
> - make a "musicalscale" filter source that outputs the audible spectrum
>    of notes in sequence;
> - make a filter source that sounds like a percussion instrument hit
>    repeatedly at a regular interval.
> What do you think of it, in terms of usefulness and difficulty?
> Regards,
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