[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH V1 0/2] Use avctx->framerate first for frame rate setting

Gyan ffmpeg at gyani.pro
Sat Apr 27 15:22:00 EEST 2019

On 27-04-2019 05:25 PM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> 2019-04-27 13:17 GMT+02:00, Jun Zhao <mypopydev at gmail.com>:
>> perfer avctx->framerate first than use avctx->time_base when
>> setting the frame rate to encoder. 1/time_base is not the
>> average frame rate if the frame rate is not constant.
> But why would the average framerate be a good choice to set
> the encoder timebase?

Also, note that x264/5 RC looks at the framerate.

I can generate a difference with x264 by setting -enc_time_base to 
different values (with vsync vfr).
Maybe check that this change does not lead to a significant change in 
output. Although I think this would be still an improvement for those 
cases where r_frame_rate >> avg_frame_rate


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