[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH]ffmpeg_opt: Warn if more than one -vf/-af option was specified

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 01:29:32 EET 2019

2019-01-14 16:59 GMT+01:00, Gyan <ffmpeg at gyani.pro>:
> On 14-01-2019 06:09 PM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:

>> This user mistake affects many people, attached patch fixes ticket #4184.

> Partially useful. Users who do this, are usually not aware of how to
> apply multiple filters, and this syntax is their attempt.

The last user reporting such an issue knew about the correct syntax...

> The error message doesn't leave them any wiser.  So, add a short
> note (or link) that multiple filters should be specified in a single
> chain, separated by commas.

Committed with such a note.

Thank you, Carl Eugen

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