[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] libavfilter/vf_drawtext: Avoid undefined behavior from GET_UTF8

Aaron Boushley boushley at gmail.com
Sat Jul 27 17:14:51 EEST 2019

The vf_drawtext filter uses the GET_UTF8 macro in multiple locations.
Each of these use `continue;` as the error handler. However the
documentation for the GET_UTF8 macro states "ERROR should not contain
a loop control statement which could interact with the internal while
loop, and should force an exit from the macro code (e.g. through a
goto or a return) in order to prevent undefined results."

This patch adjusts vf_drawtext to use goto error handlers similar to
other locations in ffmpeg.


PS Sorry for having to send again, sent from the wrong address last
time, so patchwork didn't pick it up.
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