[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2] vf_drawtext: Add pkt_pos, pkt_duration, pkt_size as variables

greg Luce electron.rotoscope at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 05:07:37 EEST 2019

> This doesn't look correct. It's supposed to contain
> Subject: vf_drawtext: Add pkt_pos, pkt_duration, pkt_size as variables
> and the Signed-off-by line is to be somewhere in the remaining commit
> message. How did you create the patch?

I just cloned the main, made the change, and then did
"git format-patch -1 HEAD"
I'm afraid I don't know git very well. I'll just strip the head out of
the patch files so I can't get them wrong!

> Strictly speaking, you're fixing and amending existing documentation,
> not related to your modifications. I personally don't mind, but others
> will request you to do this is a separate patch.

Split into two separate patch files (attached) in case that helps

> A non-related question: Do you understand when this is -1? (I myself
> am looking for some filter or log info which can give me the pkt_pos
> related to a certain time offset from the beginning of a file, as when
> seeked using "-ss".)

I'm afraid I have no help for you there. I'm going on Gyan's advice from

> > +The current packet's input duration.
> "input duration" sounds confusing. You can likely drop the "input".
> > +The current packet's input size (in bytes).
> Ditto.

I'd included "input" since the frame rate and size might be changed
later, but you're right people can probably figure that out. I'll take
them out

> You may need to bump libavfilter's MICRO version, as you are adding
> features.

I can't speak to that and I wouldn't know how to do it, but good point!
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Name: [PATCH] filters doc typo fix.patch
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Name: [PATCH] REVISED vf_drawtext - Add pkt_pos, pkt_duration, pkt_size as variables.patch
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