[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] libavformat/webvttenc: Allow (but discard) additional streams

Soft Works softworkz at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 5 01:37:11 EEST 2019

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ffmpeg-devel <ffmpeg-devel-bounces at ffmpeg.org> On Behalf Of
> Carl Eugen Hoyos
> Am Mi., 4. Sept. 2019 um 22:43 Uhr schrieb Soft Works
> <softworkz at hotmail.com>:
> >
> >
> > This allows having a video stream as reference stream  when using the
> > segment muxer
> Please add the command line that needs this patch.
> Carl Eugen

The short version would be this:
Allows mapping a video stream as reference stream for creating vtt segments:
ffmpeg -i INPUT -map 0:3 -c:0 webvtt -map 0:0 -c:v:0 copy -f segment -segment_format webvtt -segment_time 6 -write_empty_segments 1 -y "sub_segment3%d.vtt"

Is this sufficient? Otherwise, here's the long story:

I need to do HLS segmentation for video/audio while additionally creating one or more subtitle playlists and segments. Very simplified it’s like this:

ffmpeg -i INPUT
  -map 0:0 -map 0:2 -c:v:0 copy -c:a:0 copy -f segment -segment_format mpegts -segment_time 6 -y "segment%d.ts"
  -map 0:3 -c:0 webvtt -f segment -segment_format webvtt -segment_time 6 -write_empty_segments 1 -y "sub_segment3%d.vtt"

The mpegts segments are being created in a constant and regular way. But not necessearily in the case of subtitles: When hitting a time range without any subtitle event, the segmenter stops generating subtitle segments, even when write_empty_segments is configured.
It’s not that write_empty_segments would not be working, though: As soon as a new subtitle event reaches the muxer, it catches up by creating the missed empty segments all at once. This might be OK for precreating content for HLS/VOD scenarios but it’s a behavioral bug when you rely on having accurate results while the process is running.

That’s rather trivial: When there are no subtitle events, there are no packets arriving at the segment muxer (for vtt) and there’s probably nothiing that the segment muxer could do about it.

After some rather ugly ideas I found that the best way to bring some more action into the vtt segmenter might be to map the video stream in addition to the subtitle stream – not with the purpose of outputting the video – just to ensure regular activity in the segment muxer.
Also, the segment muxer has implementation for having a ‚reference_stream‘ and the video stream is supposed to be this anyway.

Remains one problem: The WebVTT muxer (libavformat/webvttenc.c) errors when there’s more than a single stream. ("Exactly one WebVTT stream is needed.) 
And that’s what this commit does: Removed the single-stream limit from the webvtt muxer and simply discard packets from other streams instead of failing.


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