[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Adding a flag to give user the option to have ffmpeg fail instead of warn when mismatches are found in rtmp url stream or application names.
Carl Eugen Hoyos
ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 01:14:32 EEST 2019
Am Mi., 25. Sept. 2019 um 21:04 Uhr schrieb William Martin
<unique.will.martin at gmail.com>:
> From: Will Martin <will.martin at verizondigitalmedia.com>
> Motivation: When running multiple rtmp ingest on the same machine on the same port, users may want to explicitly forbid mismatched rtmp streams from successfully completing handshakes. This patch allows for such enforcement
There already is a "strict" option, can't it be used here instead
of adding a new option?
Carl Eugen
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