[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] libavcodec/vp9: export block structure when segmentation isn't enable

Yongle Lin yongle.lin.94 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 19:40:19 EEST 2020

On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 2:57 PM Yongle Lin <yongle.lin.94 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 2:23 PM Yongle Lin <yonglel at google.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 11:31 AM Yongle Lin <yongle.lin.94 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> it makes sense to export block structure like src_x, src_y, width and
>>> height when segmentation isn't enable so we could visualize and see the
>>> structure of the block.
>>> ---
>>>  libavcodec/vp9.c | 8 +++-----
>>>  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/libavcodec/vp9.c b/libavcodec/vp9.c
>>> index fd0bab14a2..e700def70e 100644
>>> --- a/libavcodec/vp9.c
>>> +++ b/libavcodec/vp9.c
>>> @@ -1501,10 +1501,8 @@ static int vp9_export_enc_params(VP9Context *s,
>>> VP9Frame *frame)
>>>      AVVideoEncParams *par;
>>>      unsigned int tile, nb_blocks = 0;
>>> -    if (s->s.h.segmentation.enabled) {
>>> -        for (tile = 0; tile < s->active_tile_cols; tile++)
>>> -            nb_blocks += s->td[tile].nb_block_structure;
>>> -    }
>>> +    for (tile = 0; tile < s->active_tile_cols; tile++)
>>> +        nb_blocks += s->td[tile].nb_block_structure;
>>>      par = av_video_enc_params_create_side_data(frame->tf.f,
>>>          AV_VIDEO_ENC_PARAMS_VP9, nb_blocks);
>>> @@ -1536,7 +1534,7 @@ static int vp9_export_enc_params(VP9Context *s,
>>> VP9Frame *frame)
>>>                  b->w     = 1 << (3 +
>>> td->block_structure[block_tile].block_size_idx_x);
>>>                  b->h     = 1 << (3 +
>>> td->block_structure[block_tile].block_size_idx_y);
>>> -                if (s->s.h.segmentation.feat[seg_id].q_enabled) {
>>> +                if (s->s.h.segmentation.enabled &&
>>> s->s.h.segmentation.feat[seg_id].q_enabled) {
>>>                      b->delta_qp =
>>> s->s.h.segmentation.feat[seg_id].q_val;
>>>                      if (s->s.h.segmentation.absolute_vals)
>>>                          b->delta_qp -= par->qp;
>>> --
>> Dear FFmpeg Developers,
>> Currently ffmpeg doesn't export the block data for VP9 if there is no
>> segmentation. Because it's only used to export QP value. I think it makes
>> more sense to export the block information without segmentation so we could
>> visualize the block structure for VP9 video.
>> Could you please review and merge this patch? Thanks.
>> Best,
>> Yongle
> Dear FFmpeg Developers,
> Currently ffmpeg doesn't export the block data for VP9 if there is no
> segmentation. Because it's only used to export QP value. I think it makes
> more sense to export the block information without segmentation so we could
> visualize the block structure for VP9 video.
> Could you please review and merge this patch? Thanks.
> Best,
> Yongle

Hi FFmpeg Developers,

I noticed that this patch hasn't been reviewed yet.  Could someone help me
review it and merge this patch? Thanks.


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