[FFmpeg-devel] GSoc Project: ABR for FFmpeg.
tianchi huang
htc19 at mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Mon Feb 24 16:09:44 EET 2020
I am interested in taking up a project with FFmpeg for GSOC’20. Specifically, I found that the proposal called ‘ABR meets FFmpeg’ is extremely fit for me, since:
i) I am proficient in c, c++, js, etc. Especially, I really enjoy submitting my work to and contributing to the open-source community. For instance, I have submitted a work called ‘kurento-rtmp’, a module that can transcode the WebRTC stream to the RTMP stream, to the Github. Till now, it has already achieved 110 stars. (https://github.com/godka/kurento-rtmp). Meanwhile, I have also contributed some work about ABR video streaming. For example, a classical ABR method MPC (model predictive control) written in c++ (https://github.com/thu-media/Comyco/blob/master/cpp-linux/mpc.cpp).
ii) I am in that area. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Lifeng Sun. My research work focuses on multimedia network streaming. In recent years I have published several adaptive video streaming papers in the *top conference*, including SIGCOMM, INFOCOM, ACM Multimedia, etc. The full publication list is shown in https://godka.github.io.
I have a plan for this work:
Taking HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) as an example, I need to change most of the code in `hls.c'. The previous algorithm fails to support ABR algorithms since it directly implements adding_stream_to_programs after reading the playlist. At the same time, the live streaming part is also relatively simple, setting the clock directly as an infinite loop. To that end, the key idea is to rewrite this part and add the concept of buffer occupancy, which is an essential part of ABR algorithms.
Moreover, I also attempt to create a new module ‘abr.c’, which can support various of ABR algorithms, such as MPC, HYB, BBA, and especially Pensieve and Comyco (such state-of-the-art methods leverage *Neural Network* to make the decision).
In general, can you please provide a chance to me for attending GSOC’20?
Tianchi Huang.
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