[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] [PATCH] POWER8 VSX vectorization libswscale/input.c Track ticket 5570

Pestov Vyacheslav pestov.vyach at yandex.ru
Mon Jul 13 17:38:40 EEST 2020

Please, check my patch. It has been in pending status for a long time. I can’t get a bounty. If something needs to be finalized, just tell me.



On 25.03.2020 10:55, Pestov Vyacheslav wrote:

> On 25.03.2020 1:12, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
>> Am Di., 24. März 2020 um 14:28 Uhr schrieb Pestov Vyacheslav
>> <pestov.vyach at yandex.ru>:
>>> yuy2ToY_c: 10157
>>> yuy2ToY_c_vsx: 2353
>>> yuy2ToUV_c: 4907
>>> yuy2ToUV_c_vsx: 1357
>>> rgb24ToY_c: 21172
>>> rgb24ToY_c_vsx: 9191
>>> rgb24ToUV_c: 33568
>>> rgb24ToUV_c_vsx: 12746
>>> bgr24ToY_c: 20983
>>> bgr24ToY_c_vsx: 9381
>>> bgr24ToUV_c: 34513
>>> bgr24ToUV_c_vsx: 12708
>>> monowhite2Y_c: 5247
>>> monowhite2Y_c_vsx: 2099
>>> monoblack2Y_c: 5584
>>> monoblack2Y_c_vsx: 1993
>>> uyvyToY_c: 10111
>>> uyvyToY_c_vsx: 1780
>>> uyvyToUV_c: 4872
>>> uyvyToUV_c_vsx: 1284
>>> nvXXtoUV_c: 5128
>>> nvXXtoUV_c_vsx: 1456
>>> rgbaToA_c: 9930
>>> rgbaToA_c_vsx: 2599
>>> bswap16Y_c: 10399
>>> bswap16Y_c_vsx: 2451
>>> rgb16_32ToUV_half_c_template: 42350
>>> rgb16_32ToUV_half_c_template_vsx: 18583
>>> bswap16UV_c: 11784
>>> bswap16UV_c_vsx: 2873
>>> planar_rgb_to_y: 24602
>>> planar_rgb_to_y_vsx: 10792
>>> planar_rgb_to_uv: 35601
>>> planar_rgb_to_uv_vsx: 14112
>>> planar_rgb16_to_y: 25686
>>> planar_rgb16_to_y_vsx: 10293
>>> planar_rgb16_to_uv: 36367
>>> planar_rgb16_to_uv_vsx: 13575
>>> yvy2ToUV_c: 4879
>>> yvy2ToUV_c_vsx: 1239
>>> read_ya16be_gray_c: 9591
>>> read_ya16be_gray_c_vsx: 4164
>>> read_ya16be_alpha_c: 9390
>>> read_ya16be_alpha_c_vsx: 1874
>>> read_ya16le_gray_c: 9884
>>> read_ya16le_gray_c_vsx: 4224
>>> read_ya16le_alpha_c: 9403
>>> read_ya16le_alpha_c_vsx: 2026
>>> planar_rgb_to_a: 10262
>>> planar_rgb_to_a_vsx: 9361
>>> planar_rgb16_to_a: 9554
>>> planar_rgb16_to_a_vsx: 9393
>>> read_ayuv64le_Y_c: 10457
>>> read_ayuv64le_Y_c_vsx: 7703
>>> read_ayuv64le_A_c: 9404
>>> read_ayuv64le_A_c_vsx: 2797
>>> read_ayuv64le_UV_c: 9464
>>> read_ayuv64le_UV_c_vsx: 3781
>>> p010LEToY_c: 9546
>>> p010LEToY_c_vsx: 2422
>>> p010LEToUV_c: 6390
>>> p010LEToUV_c_vsx: 2681
>>> p010BEToY_c: 9836
>>> p010BEToY_c_vsx: 2572
>>> p010BEToUV_c: 7022
>>> p010BEToUV_c_vsx: 2660
>>> p016LEToUV_c: 5022
>>> p016LEToUV_c_vsx: 2447
>>> p016BEToUV_c: 5293
>>> p016BEToUV_c_vsx: 2307
>> To make our lives a little easier, could you tell us what you tested
>> and how we can reproduce your results?
>> Also: Is your patch expected to be bit-exact? If yes, do you
>> have a script that allows to compare C and vsx code?
>> If not, how did you test your code?
>> (Or does fate cover these conversions? I wouldn't expect so.)
>> Thank you, Carl Eugen
>> _______________________________________________
>> ffmpeg-devel mailing list
>> ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org
>> https://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel
>> To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email
>> ffmpeg-devel-request at ffmpeg.org with subject "unsubscribe".
> Hi, yes I am using some scripts(see attached archive):
> 1) Put macros into tested functions in input_vsx.c and input.c   (START_TIMER and STOP_TIMET). 
> You can take files with macros from my dropbox 
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eoed5pjp9a9psx0/AACpsa6PKGAIl5pYF58sHeRda?dl=0
> 2) I am generating some random input file with dd utility. For example:
> dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/test.raw bs=1024 count=40900
> 3) Run script script ffmpeg_bench.sh from directory where created test.raw
> cd /tmp
> bash ./ffmpeg_bench.sh
> 4) Run python3 script print_result.py.  This script takes the ffmpeg_bench results from files bench_cpu.txt and bench_vsx.txt, calculates the average values and displays in a convenient form 
> With best regards, Pestov Vyacheslav
> _______________________________________________
> ffmpeg-devel mailing list
> ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org
> https://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel
> To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email
> ffmpeg-devel-request at ffmpeg.org with subject "unsubscribe".

Please, check my patch. It has been in pending status for a long time. I can’t get a bounty. If something needs to be finalized, just tell me.

With best regards, Vyacheslav Pestov

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