[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avformat/dashdec: fix memleak for commit commit e134c203
Steven Liu
lq at chinaffmpeg.org
Fri Mar 20 13:02:05 EET 2020
> 2020年3月20日 下午6:51,Nicolas George <george at nsup.org> 写道:
> Steven Liu (12020-03-20):
>> Why the specification add these attributes into the documents if these attributes not useful, just kidding?
>> I said I’m not the specification author.
> What Anton and I are trying to explain to you is that either your code
> handles the attributes according to the specification, with actual
> technical consequences, or your code is useless.
> Getting the attribute, parsing it, getting it into a variable, carrying
> this variable around, and doing nothing with that variable is a waste of
> effort.
> For example, adaptionset_lang reaches the metadata dictionary, and is
> therefore available for the application: it's useful.
> On the other hand, adaptionset_minwidth is just stored in a variable and
> does nothing: get rid of if.
> Maybe later you'll come to implement something that uses
> adaptionset_minwidth: since you already wrote the code, you can commit
> all of it together.
> In short: don't build half a bridge, either build the whole bridge or
> keep the materials for later.
Do you mean,
1. I should add all the code in this patch, not make it two or four step complete the code?
If this is right, I think I should submit version 3 to make that,
2. I just think send this patch first step to fix memleak, If this patch is ok I will send the second patch to use the minbw maxbw minframerate maxframerate,
If the 2nd step is unnecessary, I can merge all the step in one patch and submit here. :D
> Regards,
> --
> Nicolas George
Steven Liu
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