[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/3] lavformat: Prepare to make avio_enum_protocols const correct

Derek Buitenhuis derek.buitenhuis at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 20:24:52 EET 2020

On 21/08/2019 10:04, Andreas Rheinhardt wrote:
>  const char *avio_enum_protocols(void **opaque, int output)
> +#else
> +const char *avio_enum_protocols(const void **opaque, int output)
> +#endif

Do we actually allow breakage like this (even at major bumps)?

That is, you are not using a new function name, but breaking an existing
function signature. As far as I know, this is not somthing that we, or
semver, allow.

- Derek

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