[FFmpeg-devel] autofate system

Chris Miceli chris at miceli.net.au
Wed Oct 7 01:59:47 EEST 2020

Hi Andriy,

Thanks for letting me know that there is already something doing this. It
was something which I thought would exist but I couldn't see it in my
searching of the ffmpeg documentation.

Something which would be nice is finding a way for us to tie the results
back into the fate system, or to have the results of the fate system
submitted back into patchwork. What is particularly confusing today is what
state origin/master is in with regards to bugs and the official
documentation states that as far as testing is concerned, we should be
running fate locally, but that doesn't help in the case of interoperability
between many patches.

One more concern which I think is worth us investigating is multi-platform
build reporting. Today, ffmpeg is run on a large variety of platforms with
it seemingly growing with SoC computing becoming more popular. Being able
to test releases and the tip of git on a wide range of these will help
ensure that bugs are caught quickly and effectively.

Happy to help integrate whichever system we think would work best for this,
just want to ideally have a good means to know that origin/master is
constantly well tested!


*Chris Miceli*

On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 3:07 AM Andriy Gelman <andriy.gelman at gmail.com>

> On Tue, 06. Oct 16:07, Nicolas George wrote:
> > Andriy Gelman (12020-10-06):
> > > I'm not familiar with the setup on fate.ffmpeg.org, but we have
> something
> > > similar running patchwork.ffmpeg.org
> > >
> > > The site fetches patches from the mailing list. Jenkins server runs
> make/fate
> > > and reports the results back to patchwork.
> >
> > That means anybody can run arbitrary code on your server. Native code.
> > Does it not worry you?
> >
> Thanks Nicolas, good point. Replied privately about the precautions I take.
> --
> Andriy
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