[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Suggestion for a Nicer Integration with GitHub

Gyan Doshi ffmpeg at gyani.pro
Thu Aug 12 13:45:59 EEST 2021

On 2021-08-12 03:48 pm, Kieran Kunhya wrote:
>> # Thanks for your proposal. Your input will not be considered because it
>> # contains obvious and easily avoided flaws:
>> # [x] not following mailing-list rules;
>> # [x] not following coding style conventions;
>> # [ ] mangled or misformatted patch;
>> # [ ] problems of code hygiene;
>> # [x] bad commit message.
>> # For details, see <http://ffmpeg.org/doc/newbies/>. If you can fix
>> # these flaws by yourself, you may become a valued contributor to this
>> # project. If you cannot, then please go grok some PHP or something.
>> Then feel free to set-up a Discourse or Discord or whatever kids use
>> these days to help each other pass the bar. As long as what we get on
>> the mailing-list are patches that are already in good shape for review,
>> it is all good.
> It is practically impossible to use git send-email without running your own
> mail server and having all the problems that entails (managing spam, making
> sure you are not blacklisted etc).

Do you literally mean 'running your own mail server'? Because I use git 
send-email with my email service managed by a 3rd party (mailbox.org), 
with no issues.


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