[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] [RFC] Add option for writing detailed filtergraph information to file or stdout

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Thu Aug 26 12:03:28 EEST 2021

Soft Works (12021-08-26):
> To be clear: I didn't submit this to end up in a LOC count discussion.


> My point is that there's much more relevant and important information
> that a filtergraph-information feature should provide than what your
> proposed patch is outputting.

Which one?

> comprehensive and provide machine readable output.

You are wrong on the "machine readable" point, especially if it means
adding a lot of code in the library and more importantly ensuring
long-term compatibility. What you want to print is internal information.
It is useful for debugging and testing purposes but should not be
accessed by regular tools.

  Nicolas George
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