[FFmpeg-devel] Mailing List Delay
ffmpegandmahanstreamer at lolcow.email
ffmpegandmahanstreamer at lolcow.email
Wed Jul 14 16:59:08 EEST 2021
On 2021-07-14 09:43, Derek Buitenhuis wrote:
> On 7/14/2021 2:35 PM, ffmpegandmahanstreamer at lolcow.email wrote:
>>> I have been bringing this up consstently for years, and been told
>>> it's
>>> a "non-issue", but it is incredibly annoying.
>>> I am not sure if it's due to Google having issues (trust?) sending to
>>> out host, or the host having trouble receiving.
>> That's why i use this email provider and not my main Gmail for mailing
>> lists.
> Saying "don't use the largest email provider in the world because our
> list is janky" isn't a goo solution.
I'm not against fixing the mailing list. No, not at all. It need to be
fixed. But Google is big company and trying to figure out how to make
their mail deliver successfully might be a problem.
I think this was the reasoning behind alot of the major open source
projects switching to Nongnu.org and Google Groups along with Github
discussions. IIRC even the Alliance of Open Media has their patch
mailing list on Groups.io and Google Groups now. But I'm not saying
FFMPEG should. Just saying that other projects have been facing similar
issues and fixed it by moving to a large mailing list hub. And libvpx
uses Google mail servers for their patches as well.
At the very least though, a mailign list manager with the ability to
send posts via the web could also be useful. This i what Python does:
>> It may be a good stopgap solution for some.
>>> I have also noticed, since switching to this 'new' mysertious mailing
>>> list host a few years back that a chunk of ffmpeg-devel traffic gets
>>> filed into spam consistently. Also very annoying - I have missed
>>> several
>>> patches this way. This is not specific to GMail, for me, so far.
>> That's because mail from "unknown" hosts might get into spam
>> frequently.
>> You may have to explicitly whitelist the mailing list in your
>> settings.
> Also not really an acceptable solution to tell every single person
> this,
> in my opinion.
You can have a banner on the mailing list subscribe page to whitelist
the domain along with instructions maybe?
> - Derek
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