[FFmpeg-devel] GSOC 2021 project "Windows Screen Capture via Desktop Duplication".

kernel.bin 1160386205 at qq.com
Sun Mar 21 19:33:27 EET 2021

Hello everyone!

I'm He Yang, a college student from FuZhou University, China, now major in 
Computer Science. I've been using ffmpeg for years, and I'm interested in the 
GSoC idea "Windows Screen Capture via Desktop Duplication".

I've successfully attened GSoC as a student of ReactOS last year, and I've been 
writing Win32 code for a long time. I've already found a few trivial bugs in 
`libavdevice\gdigrab.c` and send a patch for fixing one of it few days before.

This idea is marked as unmentored projects, so I'd like to ask how can I find 
a mentor and get a qualification task, and what to do next.

I would be very glad if a chance was given to me to contribute to FFmpeg.

He Yang

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