[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] ffprobe: restore reporting error code for failed inputs

Gyan Doshi ffmpeg at gyani.pro
Wed Aug 17 10:13:51 EEST 2022

On 2022-08-17 12:37 pm, Marton Balint wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Aug 2022, Gyan Doshi wrote:
>> On 2022-08-17 04:36 am, Stefano Sabatini wrote:
>>>  On date Tuesday 2022-08-16 00:04:10 +0530, Gyan Doshi wrote:
>>>>  c11fb46731 led to a regression whereby the return code for missing
>>>>  input or input probe is overridden by writer close return code and
>>>>  hence not conveyed in the exit code.
>>>>  ---
>>>>    fftools/ffprobe.c | 6 +++++-
>>>>    1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>>  Affects 5.1 so will need to be backported there.
>>>>  diff --git a/fftools/ffprobe.c b/fftools/ffprobe.c
>>>>  index ad633ccc44..8983dc28cc 100644
>>>>  --- a/fftools/ffprobe.c
>>>>  +++ b/fftools/ffprobe.c
>>>> @@  -4032,7 +4032,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
>>>>        WriterContext *wctx;
>>>>        char *buf;
>>>>        char *w_name = NULL, *w_args = NULL;
>>>>  -    int ret, i;
>>>>  +    int ret, input_ret, i;
>>>>        init_dynload();
>>>> @@  -4156,10 +4156,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
>>>>                    show_error(wctx, ret);
>>>>            }
>>>>    +        input_ret = ret;
>>>>  +
>>>>            writer_print_section_footer(wctx);
>>>>            ret = writer_close(&wctx);
>>>>            if (ret < 0)
>>>>                av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Writing output failed: 
>>>> %s\n",
>>>>  av_err2str(ret));
>>>>  +
>>>>  +        ret = FFMIN(ret, input_ret);
>>>  maybe we should give priority to input_ret in case they are both
>>>  negative?
>>>  return input_ret < 0 ? input_ret : ret;
>> Scripts usually depend on exit code being 0 or something else. Also, 
>> error is logged for both input failure and writer_close failure, so 
>> it doesn't matter.
>> Finally, input_ret is not initialized if writer_open fails, so we 
>> shouldn't be referencing it outside.
> I would do something like
> ret2 = writer_close();
> ret = FFMIN(ret2, ret);
> But fine either way, please push any version you prefer, this has been 
> broken for too long. Sorry about that.

The only diff is which return does the new variable store. I like my var 
name better :/

Will push in a couple of hours, 5.1 as well


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