[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 27/31] fate/matroska: Add test for avoiding negative timestamps

Andreas Rheinhardt andreas.rheinhardt at outlook.com
Wed Jan 19 01:32:26 EET 2022

This tests the issue from tickets #4536, #5784;
the output of this test is currently broken.

Signed-off-by: Andreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt at outlook.com>
 tests/fate/matroska.mak                   | 15 +++++++
 tests/ref/fate/matroska-avoid-negative-ts | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/ref/fate/matroska-avoid-negative-ts

diff --git a/tests/fate/matroska.mak b/tests/fate/matroska.mak
index 2fcac34d62..3bc35d0f4c 100644
--- a/tests/fate/matroska.mak
+++ b/tests/fate/matroska.mak
                                += fate-matroska-dovi-write-config7
 fate-matroska-dovi-write-config7: CMD = transcode mov $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mov/dovi-p7.mp4 matroska "-map 0 -c copy -cues_to_front yes -reserve_index_space 40  -metadata_header_padding 64339" "-map 0 -c copy" "" "-show_entries stream_side_data_list"
+# This tests the scenario like tickets #4536, #5784 where
+# the first packet (with the overall lowest dts) is a video packet,
+# whereas an audio packet to be muxed later has the overall lowest pts
+# which happens to be negative and therefore needs to be shifted.
+# This is currently buggy (the timestamps of the video frames muxed
+# before the first audio frame are not shifted).
+# Also tests muxing DOVI.
+                                            AAC_FIXED_DECODER HEVC_DECODER   \
+                                            AC3_FIXED_ENCODER MATROSKA_MUXER \
+                                            MATROSKA_DEMUXER FRAMECRC_MUXER  \
+                                            PIPE_PROTOCOL) \
+                               += fate-matroska-avoid-negative-ts
+fate-matroska-avoid-negative-ts: CMD = transcode "mov -c:a aac_fixed" $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/hevc/dv84.mov matroska "-map 0:v -map 0:a -c:v copy -c:a ac3_fixed" "-c copy -t 0.4" "" "-show_entries stream_side_data_list"
 # This tests writing the MS-compatibility modes V_MS/VFW/FOURCC and A_MS/ACM.
 # It furthermore tests writing the Cues at the front if the cues_to_front
 # option is set and more than enough space has been reserved in advance.
diff --git a/tests/ref/fate/matroska-avoid-negative-ts b/tests/ref/fate/matroska-avoid-negative-ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c23f4721c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ref/fate/matroska-avoid-negative-ts
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+6048ff1b45660eb544c1f0db450afff5 *tests/data/fate/matroska-avoid-negative-ts.matroska
+3618353 tests/data/fate/matroska-avoid-negative-ts.matroska
+#extradata 0:      551, 0xa18acf66
+#tb 0: 1/1000
+#media_type 0: video
+#codec_id 0: hevc
+#dimensions 0: 1920x1080
+#sar 0: 0/1
+#tb 1: 1/1000
+#media_type 1: audio
+#codec_id 1: ac3
+#sample_rate 1: 44100
+#channel_layout 1: 3
+#channel_layout_name 1: stereo
+0,        -67,          0,       33,    63375, 0xc76606ab, S=1,        8
+0,        -34,        133,       33,    46706, 0x0e08a7e5, F=0x0
+0,          0,         73,       33,    29766, 0x753c031a, F=0x0
+1,          0,          0,       34,      834, 0x7e7776bd
+1,         35,         35,       34,      836, 0x14a3a0ff
+0,         39,         39,       33,    19409, 0x4b948b6c, F=0x0
+1,         70,         70,       34,      836, 0xf55e9a61
+0,         73,        106,       33,    21086, 0x1b9412ce, F=0x0
+1,        105,        105,       34,      836, 0x415591f1
+0,        106,        273,       33,    62043, 0xc2356b56, F=0x0
+0,        133,        206,       33,    36175, 0x0a7df38c, F=0x0
+1,        140,        140,       34,      836, 0xe26c9bad
+0,        173,        173,       33,    16028, 0xa57fcbe9, F=0x0
+1,        174,        174,       34,      836, 0xbc8c9b66
+0,        206,        239,       33,    15428, 0x9a91f357, F=0x0
+1,        209,        209,       34,      836, 0xddeb9643
+0,        239,        406,       33,    66072, 0xa542b6d7, F=0x0
+1,        244,        244,       34,      836, 0x08a494eb
+0,        273,        339,       33,    34985, 0xbfd8ff45, F=0x0
+1,        279,        279,       34,      836, 0x94f09bb4
+0,        306,        306,       33,    16036, 0xfc39c6ea, F=0x0
+1,        314,        314,       34,      836, 0xd6358a3a
+0,        339,        373,       33,    19893, 0x7e746f4e, F=0x0
+1,        348,        348,       34,      836, 0x76ac91f1
+0,        373,        539,       33,    77576, 0xeba2e5c8, F=0x0
+1,        383,        383,       34,      836, 0xb32a86ac
+side_data_type=DOVI configuration record

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