[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v13 2/4] libavformat/avisynth.c: Remove MAX_PATH limit

nil-admirari at mailo.com nil-admirari at mailo.com
Mon Jun 13 19:53:40 EEST 2022

> Presumably, the original manifest idea, parsed down to only using it to 
> force FFmpeg into UTF-8, would be sufficient for this, right?

UTF-8 in manifest was rejected as too far-reaching, and then longs paths
were reimplemented with \\?\ prefixes, so now there is no manifest at all.

> The Windows API does have a SetConsoleCP function.

It does not change process code page.

> C3) Use avs_get_version, but if it's not a new enough version, just fall 
> back to the logic that exists now

Done in https://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2022-June/297494.html.

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