[FFmpeg-devel] How to enable generation pdb files with msvc toolchain

Александр cool.ipatovo at gmail.com
Fri May 27 17:12:03 EEST 2022

Hello everybody. I have compiled ffmpeg libraries via msvc toolchain
under win64 os, but I came across on some lack of support pdb files. I need
to use /Zi command with compiler and generate full debug information via
linker's commands /DEBUG:FULL and /PDB:$(NAME), where $(NAME) is the name
of current project (like libavcodec, libavdevice, libavfilter). I have
added these flags via `--extra-cflags` `--extra-ldflags` parameters to
configure.sh script (moreover I patched temporary msvc_common_flags method)
. But unfortunately it has no any results, in my build folder only one
vc140.pdb file was appeared, and each next project's linking overwrites
that file. Maybe is there another "easy" method to generate named pdb files
for each project?
P.S. Sorry for my english, it's a little bit rusty

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