[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 3/3] avcodec/ass: specify a permissive encoding
oneric at oneric.de
Sun Nov 13 22:15:04 EET 2022
For some reason this message for the third patch was sent out as plain
7-bit us-ASCII, stripping the CRLF line endings.
Using the very same git send-email command line except for an added
--to= for sending it directly to myself, yields the expected
"printed-quotable" encoded message preserving the CRLF line endings.
Perhaps the list mangled it when adding its footer?
Either way, the second patch got through correctly with base64 encoding
and there areno problems with the first patch. To apply the third patch
you may use v1 or the attached patch file. If you want to instead resend
a v3 for all patches, let me know.
For the future I configured git send-email to always use base64 no matter
the content hopefully stopping the list from mangling my patches.
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URL: <https://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/attachments/20221113/3ff930c4/attachment.patch>
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