[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] doc/examples/extract_mvs: add motion information

Michael Niedermayer michael at niedermayer.cc
Fri Sep 23 20:50:36 EEST 2022

On Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 04:49:56PM -0700, Chema Gonzalez wrote:
> Note that the motion information includes subpel motion information
> This was likely forgotten in 56bdf61baa04c4fd8d165f34499115ce0aa97c43.
> Tested:
> ```
> $ make examples -j
> ...
> $ doc/examples/extract_mvs in.264 | head -40 | \
>     csvcut -C framenum,source,flags |csvlook
> | blockw | blockh |  srcx | srcy |  dstx | dsty | motion_x | motion_y | motion_scale |
> | ------ | ------ | ----- | ---- | ----- | ---- | -------- | -------- | ------------ |
> |     16 |     16 |    20 |   26 |     8 |    8 |       49 |       72 |            4 |
> |     16 |     16 |   152 |   15 |   136 |    8 |       65 |       28 |            4 |
> |     16 |      8 |   360 |    3 |   360 |    4 |        1 |       -6 |            4 |
> |     16 |      8 |   360 |   13 |   360 |   12 |       -1 |        4 |            4 |
> |     16 |     16 |   440 |   10 |   440 |    8 |        3 |       10 |            4 |
> |      8 |     16 |   829 |    7 |   836 |    8 |      -31 |       -6 |            4 |
> |      8 |     16 |   844 |    7 |   844 |    8 |       -1 |       -4 |            4 |
> |     16 |     16 | 1,004 |   14 | 1,048 |    8 |     -177 |       24 |            4 |
> |     16 |     16 | 1,096 |    8 | 1,096 |    8 |       -1 |        0 |            4 |
> |     16 |      8 | 1,417 |   24 | 1,416 |    4 |        7 |       82 |            4 |
> |     16 |      8 | 1,416 |   13 | 1,416 |   12 |        0 |        6 |            4 |
> |     16 |      8 |    87 |   20 |    88 |   20 |       -7 |        0 |            4 |
> |     16 |      8 |    99 |   44 |    88 |   28 |       45 |       66 |            4 |
> ...
> ```
> Also:
> ```
> $ make fate -j
> ...
> ```
> ---
>  doc/examples/extract_mvs.c | 7 ++++---
>  1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

will apply


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

If a bugfix only changes things apparently unrelated to the bug with no
further explanation, that is a good sign that the bugfix is wrong.
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