[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v1] libavfi/dnn: add Paddle Inference as one of DNN backend

WenzheWang wongwwz at foxmail.com
Tue Apr 11 18:03:37 EEST 2023

Could you please briefly introduce the reason why not adding any dnn backend? 

Do you have any plan for the maintenance and development of the dnn backend in the future? From my understanding, the current backend of dnn has tensoflow, openvino and native, but this cannot meet the needs of users.

Thus, I believe adding other dnn backends will be great for user experience, user growth, and industrial applications. In particular, various dnn backend can be adapted to different application environments, and there are some emerging inference engines that are faster and stronger, such as Pytorch and Paddle. In addition, from the practical point of view, it is not difficult for a deep learning practitioner to learn and use this framework, but how to choose a framework and apply it in practice, people pay more attention to the effect (recall and precision), and easy deployment, that is, high reasoning performance efficiency. The main reason why Paddle is relatively mainstream and why I want to add paddle backend is that it has a very high efficiency and performance. There are several projects maintained by Paddle, such as paddleDetection, paddleSeg, paddleGAN, paddleOCR and paddleCls have a lot of good pre-training models that migrate well to their own data and has excellent performance. Secondly, in terms of reasoning efficiency, Paddle supports many platforms and chips. Models trained using Paddle framework can be directly deployed, and custom device interfaces are open for independent development based on one's own hardware.

FFmpeg itself already has very extensive support for codec. If FFmpeg could support the deployment of more reasoning model backend, it would have a wider application.

In general, I hope that ffmpeg could support the backend of paddle or more. In any case that my code is not mature or proper, I would be grateful if professionals like you could offer me suggestions and comments. I will be absolutely honored if I could contribute to this project :)


Wenzhe Wang

wongwwz at foxmail.com


------------------ Original ------------------
From:                                                                                                                        "FFmpeg development discussions and patches"                                                                                    <jb at videolan.org>;
Date: Sun, Apr 9, 2023 05:31 AM
To: "ffmpeg-devel"<ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org>;

Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v1] libavfi/dnn: add Paddle Inference as one of DNN backend

On Thu, 6 Apr 2023, at 12:36, wongwwz at foxmail.com wrote:
> PaddlePaddle (PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning) is a simple, 
> efficient and extensible deep learning framework that accelerates the 

Please don't add another DNN backend.

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