[FFmpeg-devel] looking to hire expert for a short project: lossless screen and sound capture 4k at 60hz

Misha Aizatulin mihhail.aizatulin at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 03:24:51 EEST 2023

> I would suggest using .kkapture: http://farbrausch.de/~fg/kkapture/

   Interesting - I haven't tried .kkapture because I thought that it only works for demos that are 
using the API as of when the tool was created - which means a lot of the newer demos won't work with 
it. But maybe I'm wrong? I'll poke around.

   I tried Capturinha (https://github.com/kebby/Capturinha), but couldn't make it work for lossless 
- it might be an easy code change though.

   I also tried OBS and almost succeeded. The only remaining problem with OBS is the colour space 
conversion which is not lossless. More precisely, trying NV12 gives me wrong colours and trying 
anything else gives me "Encoding Overloaded" for no apparent reason (all performance indicators, CPU 
and GPU look mild).

 >> My only theory is that GPU memory might be getting full

   I checked, it wasn't.

 >> Maybe I should use hevc_nvenc with lossless setting

   Tried, ran into the same problem as with hwdownload->utvideo. Maybe something about the grabber?

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