[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v9 5/6] libavformat/webp: add WebP demuxer

Thilo Borgmann thilo.borgmann at mail.de
Sun Dec 31 16:55:08 EET 2023

Am 31.12.23 um 13:59 schrieb Tomas Härdin:
> sön 2023-12-31 klockan 13:30 +0100 skrev Thilo Borgmann via ffmpeg-
> devel:
>> From: Josef Zlomek <josef at pex.com>
>> Adds the demuxer of animated WebP files.
>> It supports non-animated, animated, truncated, and concatenated
>> files.
>> Reading from a pipe (and other non-seekable inputs) is also
>> supported.
>> The WebP demuxer splits the input stream into packets containing one
>> frame.
>> It also marks the key frames properly.
>> The loop count is ignored by default (same behaviour as animated PNG
>> and GIF),
>> it may be enabled by the option '-ignore_loop 0'.
> Should format duration not also be set accordingly? I don't see
> anything setting it at all, only packet duration

Locally done to set AVStream->duration and ->avg_frame_rate the same way as GIF does.


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