[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 4/6] avformat/mov: parse ISO-14496-12 ChannelLayout

Tomas Härdin git at haerdin.se
Fri Feb 24 11:42:06 EET 2023

fre 2023-02-24 klockan 20:25 +0800 skrev Zhao Zhili:
> +        if (!layout) {
> +            uint8_t positions[64] = {};

Is there a maximum number of channels defined somewhere? stsd supports
up to 65535.

> +    // stream carries objects
> +    if (stream_structure & 2) {
> +        int obj_count = avio_r8(pb);
> +        av_log(c->fc, AV_LOG_TRACE, "'chnl' with object_count %d\n",
> obj_count);
> +    }
> +
> +    avio_seek(pb, end, SEEK_SET);

I feel we should complain loudly if there's bytes not accounted for, at
least when (stream_structure & 2) == 0

The rest I can't say much about


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