[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 6/7] v210enc: Pass through bar data

Devin Heitmueller devin.heitmueller at ltnglobal.com
Sat Jul 1 03:44:18 EEST 2023

Hi Kieran,

On Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 6:41 PM Kieran Kunhya <kierank at obe.tv> wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Jun 2023 at 21:42, Devin Heitmueller <devin.heitmueller at ltnglobal.com> wrote:
>> When encoding to V210, make sure the bar side data makes it through
>> in the resulting AVPacket.  This is needed so the decklink output
>> module can put out bar data as VANC when in 10-bit mode.
> ff_decode_frame_props_from_pkt surely does this better than the mess of ifs in v210enc?

The ff_decode_frame_props_from_pkt() function is used when going from
AVPackets to AVFrames.  The v210enc codec goes in the other direction
- from AVFrames to AVPackets.  In fact
ff_decode_frame_props_from_pkt() does get used by v210dec.

Now I wouldn't necessarily be against somebody introducing a new
function which goes in the opposite direction and could potentially be
shared by other encoders.  But my intent was just to implement it the
same way as the other conversions were done, not to refactor the code
and design some new approach.


Devin Heitmueller, Senior Software Engineer
LTN Global Communications
o: +1 (301) 363-1001
w: https://ltnglobal.com  e: devin.heitmueller at ltnglobal.com

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