[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 04/21 v2] tests/fate: add a test for -streamloop with transcoding video+audio

Zhao Zhili quinkblack at foxmail.com
Mon Jun 19 16:39:44 EEST 2023

> 在 2023年6月19日,21:22,James Almer <jamrial at gmail.com> 写道:
> On 6/19/2023 9:34 AM, "zhilizhao(赵志立)" wrote:
>>>> On Jun 19, 2023, at 20:29, James Almer <jamrial at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 6/16/2023 3:01 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:
>>>> ---
>>>> Now using aacdec_fixed with s32le output
>>>> ---
>>>>  tests/fate/ffmpeg.mak                         |   4 +
>>>>  tests/ref/fate/ffmpeg-streamloop-transcode-av | 151 ++++++++++++++++++
>>>>  2 files changed, 155 insertions(+)
>>>>  create mode 100644 tests/ref/fate/ffmpeg-streamloop-transcode-av
>>>> diff --git a/tests/fate/ffmpeg.mak b/tests/fate/ffmpeg.mak
>>>> index c26c748934..87cd0b46d0 100644
>>>> --- a/tests/fate/ffmpeg.mak
>>>> +++ b/tests/fate/ffmpeg.mak
>>>> @@ -132,6 +132,10 @@ fate-ffmpeg-fix_sub_duration_heartbeat: CMD = fmtstdout srt -fix_sub_duration \
>>>>    -c:s srt \
>>>>    -f null -
>>>>  +FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call FRAMECRC, MATROSKA, H264 AAC_FIXED, PCM_S32LE_ENCODER) += fate-ffmpeg-streamloop-transcode-av
>>>> +fate-ffmpeg-streamloop-transcode-av: CMD = \
>>>> + framecrc -auto_conversion_filters -stream_loop 3 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mkv/1242-small.mkv -c:a pcm_s32le
>>> I think this is missing -c:a ac3_fixed before the -i
>> You mean aac_fixed? I have tried, but the result on two processor don't match neither.
> The output will of course be different than what's in the reference file in this patch. What matters is that the new output does match across different CPUs.

Yes I know the idea, what I said is the second case.

>>>> +
>>>>  FATE_STREAMCOPY-$(call REMUX, MP4 MOV, EAC3_DEMUXER) += fate-copy-trac3074
>>>>  fate-copy-trac3074: CMD = transcode eac3 $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/eac3/csi_miami_stereo_128_spx.eac3\
>>>>                       mp4 "-codec copy -map 0" "-codec copy"
>>>> diff --git a/tests/ref/fate/ffmpeg-streamloop-transcode-av b/tests/ref/fate/ffmpeg-streamloop-transcode-av
>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>> index 0000000000..50a626b281
>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>> +++ b/tests/ref/fate/ffmpeg-streamloop-transcode-av
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
>>>> +#tb 0: 125/2997
>>>> +#media_type 0: video
>>>> +#codec_id 0: rawvideo
>>>> +#dimensions 0: 1280x718
>>>> +#sar 0: 1/1
>>>> +#tb 1: 1/48000
>>>> +#media_type 1: audio
>>>> +#codec_id 1: pcm_s32le
>>>> +#sample_rate 1: 48000
>>>> +#channel_layout_name 1: stereo
>>>> +0,          0,          0,        1,  1378560, 0xbaf121ba
>>>> +1,          0,          0,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +1,       1024,       1024,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +0,          1,          1,        1,  1378560, 0xbaf121ba
>>>> +1,       2040,       2040,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +1,       3048,       3048,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +0,          2,          2,        1,  1378560, 0x6579d31a
>>>> +1,       4072,       4072,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +1,       5096,       5096,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +0,          3,          3,        1,  1378560, 0xca1deba8
>>>> +1,       6120,       6120,     1024,     8192, 0x687330d2
>>>> +1,       7128,       7128,     1024,     8192, 0x9131462c
>>>> +0,          4,          4,        1,  1378560, 0xd4eed467
>>>> +1,       8208,       8208,     1024,     8192, 0x48c01c32
>>>> +1,       9232,       9232,     1024,     8192, 0x0ccd8d5f
>>>> +0,          5,          5,        1,  1378560, 0xd6e1d5b7
>>>> +1,      10248,      10248,     1024,     8192, 0xd50cbe9f
>>>> +1,      11256,      11256,     1024,     8192, 0xbe069303
>>>> +0,          6,          6,        1,  1378560, 0x0b574d39
>>>> +1,      12280,      12280,     1024,     8192, 0x85fccf5b
>>>> +1,      13304,      13304,     1024,     8192, 0x4180de71
>>>> +0,          7,          7,        1,  1378560, 0x1bdd4d61
>>>> +1,      14328,      14328,     1024,     8192, 0x0e9b6ac3
>>>> +1,      15336,      15336,     1024,     8192, 0x5c33f724
>>>> +0,          8,          8,        1,  1378560, 0x3b28f549
>>>> +1,      16360,      16360,     1024,     8192, 0x668aaaec
>>>> +1,      17384,      17384,     1024,     8192, 0xd137d412
>>>> +0,          9,          9,        1,  1378560, 0x45b2f57b
>>>> +1,      18408,      18408,     1024,     8192, 0x08e1fbf6
>>>> +1,      19416,      19416,     1024,     8192, 0xbf3fb4f6
>>>> +0,         10,         10,        1,  1378560, 0x8955570e
>>>> +1,      20440,      20440,     1024,     8192, 0x69cd08a4
>>>> +1,      21464,      21464,     1024,     8192, 0xe0fe6297
>>>> +1,      22488,      22488,     1024,     8192, 0x172867ad
>>>> +1,      23496,      23496,     1024,     8192, 0xcbcc1461
>>>> +0,         12,         12,        1,  1378560, 0x9c598000
>>>> +1,      25488,      25488,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +0,         13,         13,        1,  1378560, 0xbaf121ba
>>>> +1,      26512,      26512,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +1,      27528,      27528,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +0,         14,         14,        1,  1378560, 0xbaf121ba
>>>> +1,      28552,      28552,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +1,      29576,      29576,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +0,         15,         15,        1,  1378560, 0x6579d31a
>>>> +1,      30600,      30600,     1024,     8192, 0x687330d2
>>>> +1,      31608,      31608,     1024,     8192, 0x9131462c
>>>> +0,         16,         16,        1,  1378560, 0xca1deba8
>>>> +1,      32688,      32688,     1024,     8192, 0x48c01c32
>>>> +1,      33712,      33712,     1024,     8192, 0x0ccd8d5f
>>>> +0,         17,         17,        1,  1378560, 0xd4eed467
>>>> +1,      34728,      34728,     1024,     8192, 0xd50cbe9f
>>>> +1,      35736,      35736,     1024,     8192, 0xbe069303
>>>> +0,         18,         18,        1,  1378560, 0xd6e1d5b7
>>>> +1,      36760,      36760,     1024,     8192, 0x85fccf5b
>>>> +1,      37784,      37784,     1024,     8192, 0x4180de71
>>>> +0,         19,         19,        1,  1378560, 0x0b574d39
>>>> +1,      38808,      38808,     1024,     8192, 0x0e9b6ac3
>>>> +1,      39816,      39816,     1024,     8192, 0x5c33f724
>>>> +0,         20,         20,        1,  1378560, 0x1bdd4d61
>>>> +1,      40840,      40840,     1024,     8192, 0x668aaaec
>>>> +1,      41864,      41864,     1024,     8192, 0xd137d412
>>>> +0,         21,         21,        1,  1378560, 0x3b28f549
>>>> +1,      42888,      42888,     1024,     8192, 0x08e1fbf6
>>>> +1,      43896,      43896,     1024,     8192, 0xbf3fb4f6
>>>> +0,         22,         22,        1,  1378560, 0x45b2f57b
>>>> +1,      44920,      44920,     1024,     8192, 0x69cd08a4
>>>> +1,      45944,      45944,     1024,     8192, 0xe0fe6297
>>>> +0,         23,         23,        1,  1378560, 0x8955570e
>>>> +1,      46968,      46968,     1024,     8192, 0x172867ad
>>>> +1,      47976,      47976,     1024,     8192, 0xcbcc1461
>>>> +0,         24,         24,        1,  1378560, 0x9c598000
>>>> +1,      49968,      49968,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +0,         25,         25,        1,  1378560, 0xbaf121ba
>>>> +1,      50992,      50992,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +1,      52008,      52008,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +0,         26,         26,        1,  1378560, 0xbaf121ba
>>>> +1,      53032,      53032,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +0,         27,         27,        1,  1378560, 0x6579d31a
>>>> +1,      54056,      54056,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +1,      55080,      55080,     1024,     8192, 0x687330d2
>>>> +0,         28,         28,        1,  1378560, 0xca1deba8
>>>> +1,      56088,      56088,     1024,     8192, 0x9131462c
>>>> +1,      57168,      57168,     1024,     8192, 0x48c01c32
>>>> +0,         29,         29,        1,  1378560, 0xd4eed467
>>>> +1,      58192,      58192,     1024,     8192, 0x0ccd8d5f
>>>> +1,      59208,      59208,     1024,     8192, 0xd50cbe9f
>>>> +0,         30,         30,        1,  1378560, 0xd6e1d5b7
>>>> +1,      60216,      60216,     1024,     8192, 0xbe069303
>>>> +1,      61240,      61240,     1024,     8192, 0x85fccf5b
>>>> +0,         31,         31,        1,  1378560, 0x0b574d39
>>>> +1,      62264,      62264,     1024,     8192, 0x4180de71
>>>> +1,      63288,      63288,     1024,     8192, 0x0e9b6ac3
>>>> +0,         32,         32,        1,  1378560, 0x1bdd4d61
>>>> +1,      64296,      64296,     1024,     8192, 0x5c33f724
>>>> +1,      65320,      65320,     1024,     8192, 0x668aaaec
>>>> +0,         33,         33,        1,  1378560, 0x3b28f549
>>>> +1,      66344,      66344,     1024,     8192, 0xd137d412
>>>> +1,      67368,      67368,     1024,     8192, 0x08e1fbf6
>>>> +0,         34,         34,        1,  1378560, 0x45b2f57b
>>>> +1,      68376,      68376,     1024,     8192, 0xbf3fb4f6
>>>> +1,      69400,      69400,     1024,     8192, 0x69cd08a4
>>>> +0,         35,         35,        1,  1378560, 0x8955570e
>>>> +1,      70424,      70424,     1024,     8192, 0xe0fe6297
>>>> +1,      71448,      71448,     1024,     8192, 0x172867ad
>>>> +0,         36,         36,        1,  1378560, 0x9c598000
>>>> +1,      72456,      72456,     1024,     8192, 0xcbcc1461
>>>> +0,         37,         37,        1,  1378560, 0xbaf121ba
>>>> +1,      74448,      74448,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +1,      75472,      75472,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +0,         38,         38,        1,  1378560, 0xbaf121ba
>>>> +1,      76488,      76488,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +1,      77512,      77512,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +0,         39,         39,        1,  1378560, 0x6579d31a
>>>> +1,      78536,      78536,     1024,     8192, 0x00000000
>>>> +1,      79560,      79560,     1024,     8192, 0x687330d2
>>>> +0,         40,         40,        1,  1378560, 0xca1deba8
>>>> +1,      80568,      80568,     1024,     8192, 0x9131462c
>>>> +1,      81648,      81648,     1024,     8192, 0x48c01c32
>>>> +0,         41,         41,        1,  1378560, 0xd4eed467
>>>> +1,      82672,      82672,     1024,     8192, 0x0ccd8d5f
>>>> +1,      83688,      83688,     1024,     8192, 0xd50cbe9f
>>>> +0,         42,         42,        1,  1378560, 0xd6e1d5b7
>>>> +1,      84696,      84696,     1024,     8192, 0xbe069303
>>>> +1,      85720,      85720,     1024,     8192, 0x85fccf5b
>>>> +0,         43,         43,        1,  1378560, 0x0b574d39
>>>> +1,      86744,      86744,     1024,     8192, 0x4180de71
>>>> +1,      87768,      87768,     1024,     8192, 0x0e9b6ac3
>>>> +0,         44,         44,        1,  1378560, 0x1bdd4d61
>>>> +1,      88776,      88776,     1024,     8192, 0x5c33f724
>>>> +1,      89800,      89800,     1024,     8192, 0x668aaaec
>>>> +0,         45,         45,        1,  1378560, 0x3b28f549
>>>> +1,      90824,      90824,     1024,     8192, 0xd137d412
>>>> +1,      91848,      91848,     1024,     8192, 0x08e1fbf6
>>>> +0,         46,         46,        1,  1378560, 0x45b2f57b
>>>> +1,      92856,      92856,     1024,     8192, 0xbf3fb4f6
>>>> +1,      93880,      93880,     1024,     8192, 0x69cd08a4
>>>> +0,         47,         47,        1,  1378560, 0x8955570e
>>>> +1,      94904,      94904,     1024,     8192, 0xe0fe6297
>>>> +1,      95928,      95928,     1024,     8192, 0x172867ad
>>>> +1,      96936,      96936,     1024,     8192, 0xcbcc1461
>>>> +0,         49,         49,        1,  1378560, 0x9c598000
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