[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v9 0/6] Support enhanced flv in FFmpeg

Steven Liu lingjiujianke at gmail.com
Mon May 15 11:37:27 EEST 2023

Neal Gompa <ngompa13 at gmail.com> 于2023年5月13日周六 10:41写道:
Hi Neal,

> I've applied your patch set to Fedora's ffmpeg 6.0 on Fedora 38 and
> attempted to test it. It seems to mostly work now, except that AAC
> audio doesn't play in the AV1+AAC sample remuxed from MKV to FLV. My
> H264+AAC sample seems to work properly though.
> Here are reproducer samples:
> https://ngompa.fedorapeople.org/obs-recording-samples.tar
> My command for remuxing them is simple:
> $ ffmpeg -i "input.mkv" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "output.flv"

    Thanks for your test, that because the exheader flag is used in
audio stream too,
    It should used in video stream and exheader mode.


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