[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] swscale/ppc: remove hScale8To19_vsx

Martin Storsjö martin at martin.st
Mon May 22 10:45:04 EEST 2023

On Thu, 18 May 2023, Lynne wrote:

> Fails checkasm on a Power9 DD2.2 02CY771 system.
> The assembly doesn't seem to have been independently tested at all.
> https://paste.sr.ht/~ky0ko/fe255ff73fab49b0c6d335437d894c1db626289e
> Patch attached.

FWIW, I don't know about the PPC functions, but... swscale in general is 
quite complex on the inside, and the checkasm tests are quite rough 
approximations (and are added much later than most of the functions); it's 
possible that the tests are overly strict or otherwise wrong and check 
things that don't matter in real use cases.

It's also possible that this function might be appropriate for cases when 
SWS_ACCURATE_RND isn't set (when it's expected that the function rounds 
differently than the C implementation).

// Martin

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