[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avfillter/buffersrc: activate and EOF fix

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Wed Nov 1 15:56:56 EET 2023

Jan Ekström (12023-11-01):
> So my question is: Does this test case not improve for you after you
> have applied these patches? Or are you speaking of a separate problem
> which is bad both in master as well as after these patches have been
> applied?

This is the test case Paul posted yesterday (except you had the
politeness to de-script it) and I used to see that it does not fix the

Anyway, except in the simplest of cases, if a change does not include an
analysis of why the problem happens and how the change prevents it from
happening the simplest way, then it is not a bug fix, it is just dumb
luck. And most likely, the bug is not really gone, it just shifted to
not be triggered by the test case.

There is no such analysis in Paul's patches. If he can submit such an
analysis these patches can move forward. But based on my knowledge of
the activate code (I wrote it…) I am pretty certain this kind of bug
does not need a source with a single output to be switched to activate.


  Nicolas George
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