[FFmpeg-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Repeat vote: GA voters list updates

Lynne dev at lynne.ee
Sat Nov 11 11:39:43 EET 2023

Nov 11, 2023, 08:58 by anton at khirnov.net:

> Also as I said before, option A won its contests against options B/C/D
> by 17/7, 23/1, and 17/7, respectively. You would thus need to change 10
> votes to have any chance of a different result. As the number of
> disputed voters is nowhere near 10, there is no point in repeating
> anything.

The voting wouldn't be genuine either, as the results have been
revealed and everyone knows how much each option voted,
which would allow for manipulation.
Given how much time these discussions took out of coding, and
making a release, and given that the list has just been refreshed, I
think we should carry on with it, particularly as it will change every
6 months anyway, giving everyone a chance to participate.

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