[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avformat/mxfdec: Don't pretend array to be bigger than it is
Tomas Härdin
git at haerdin.se
Mon Sep 11 19:50:36 EEST 2023
mån 2023-09-11 klockan 18:29 +0200 skrev Andreas Rheinhardt:
> mxf_match_uid() accepts two const UID and a len parameter.
> UID is a typedef for an array of 16 uint8_t, so the const UID
> parameter is actually a pointer to const uint8_t.
> The point of mxf_match_uid() is to check whether the initial
> part of two UIDs match; the length of said part is given
> by the len parameter. Once an incomplete UID has been passed
> to mxf_match_uid() (albeit with the correct len, so safe),
> which makes GCC emit -Wstringop-overread warnings.
> Fix this by using a const uint8_t[] as type; it is more
> natural for incomplete UIDs.
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