[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/4] lavc/aarch64: new optimization for 8-bit hevc_epel_uni_v

Logan.Lyu Logan.Lyu at myais.com.cn
Thu Sep 14 06:55:40 EEST 2023

Hi Martin,

You can try the attached patchset. If that doesn't work, My code branch 
address is https://github.com/myais2023/FFmpeg/tree/hevc-aarch64

Please try it again.


在 2023/9/12 19:48, Martin Storsjö 写道:
> Hi,
> Sorry for not tending to your patches sooner.
> Unfortunately, this patchset is impossible to apply - there seems to 
> be garbled whitespace in the patch which would require me to manually 
> apply all the changes.
> Can you try sending the patches again in a way that doesn't corrupt 
> whitespace? If not, can you push the branch somewhere where I can 
> fetch it?
> // Martin
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> ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org
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-------------- next part --------------
From 022535be4fc50e807870e5e8d1f6449f466d061d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Logan Lyu <Logan.Lyu at myais.com.cn>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 15:24:32 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/9] lavc/aarch64: new optimization for 8-bit hevc_epel_uni_v

checkasm bench:
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv64_8_i8mm: 6568.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_v4_8_c: 88.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_v4_8_neon: 32.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_v6_8_c: 185.4
put_hevc_epel_uni_v6_8_neon: 44.9
put_hevc_epel_uni_v8_8_c: 333.9
put_hevc_epel_uni_v8_8_neon: 44.4
put_hevc_epel_uni_v12_8_c: 728.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_v12_8_neon: 119.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_v16_8_c: 1224.2
put_hevc_epel_uni_v16_8_neon: 139.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_v24_8_c: 2531.2
put_hevc_epel_uni_v24_8_neon: 329.9
put_hevc_epel_uni_v32_8_c: 4739.9
put_hevc_epel_uni_v32_8_neon: 562.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_v48_8_c: 10618.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_v48_8_neon: 1256.2
put_hevc_epel_uni_v64_8_c: 19169.9
put_hevc_epel_uni_v64_8_neon: 2179.2

Co-Authored-By: J. Dekker <jdek at itanimul.li>
 libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_epel_neon.S    | 320 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c |   5 +
 2 files changed, 325 insertions(+)

diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_epel_neon.S b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_epel_neon.S
index a8d694639b..7ce7eec829 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_epel_neon.S
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_epel_neon.S
@@ -32,6 +32,326 @@ const epel_filters, align=4
         .byte -2, 10, 58, -2
+.macro load_epel_filterb freg, xreg
+        movrel          \xreg, epel_filters
+        add             \xreg, \xreg, \freg, lsl #2
+        ld4r            {v0.16b, v1.16b, v2.16b, v3.16b}, [\xreg] // filter
+        neg             v0.16b, v0.16b
+        neg             v3.16b, v3.16b
+.macro calc_epelb dst, src0, src1, src2, src3
+        umlsl           \dst\().8h, \src0\().8b, v0.8b
+        umlal           \dst\().8h, \src1\().8b, v1.8b
+        umlal           \dst\().8h, \src2\().8b, v2.8b
+        umlsl           \dst\().8h, \src3\().8b, v3.8b
+.macro calc_epelb2 dst, src0, src1, src2, src3
+        umlsl2          \dst\().8h, \src0\().16b, v0.16b
+        umlal2          \dst\().8h, \src1\().16b, v1.16b
+        umlal2          \dst\().8h, \src2\().16b, v2.16b
+        umlsl2          \dst\().8h, \src3\().16b, v3.16b
+.macro calc_all4
+        calc            v16, v17, v18, v19
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v17, v18, v19, v16
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v18, v19, v16, v17
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v19, v16, v17, v18
+        b.ne            1b
+.macro calc_all8
+        calc            v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v16, v17
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v20, v21, v22, v23, v16, v17, v18, v19
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v22, v23, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21
+        b.ne            1b
+.macro calc_all12
+        calc            v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v16, v17, v18
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v25, v26, v27, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24
+        b.ne            1b
+.macro calc_all16
+        calc            v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v16, v17, v18, v19
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v28, v29, v30, v31, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27
+        b.ne            1b
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_v4_8_neon, export=1
+        load_epel_filterb x6, x5
+        sxtw            x3, w3
+        sxtw            x1, w1
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        ld1             {v16.s}[0], [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v17.s}[0], [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v18.s}[0], [x2], x3
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3
+        ld1             {\src3\().s}[0], [x2], x3
+        movi            v4.8h, #0
+        calc_epelb      v4, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b, v4.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.s}[0], [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all4
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_v6_8_neon, export=1
+        load_epel_filterb x6, x5
+        sxtw            x3, w3
+        sxtw            x1, w1
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        sub             x1, x1, #4
+        ld1             {v16.8b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v17.8b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v18.8b}, [x2], x3
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3
+        ld1             {\src3\().8b}, [x2], x3
+        movi            v4.8h, #0
+        calc_epelb      v4, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b, v4.8h, #6
+        st1             {v4.s}[0], [x0], #4
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.h}[2], [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all4
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_v8_8_neon, export=1
+        load_epel_filterb x6, x5
+        sxtw            x3, w3
+        sxtw            x1, w1
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        ld1             {v16.8b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v17.8b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v18.8b}, [x2], x3
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3
+        ld1             {\src3\().8b}, [x2], x3
+        movi            v4.8h, #0
+        calc_epelb      v4, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b,  v4.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.8b}, [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all4
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_v12_8_neon, export=1
+        load_epel_filterb x6, x5
+        sxtw            x3, w3
+        sxtw            x1, w1
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        sub             x1, x1, #8
+        ld1             {v16.16b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v17.16b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v18.16b}, [x2], x3
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3
+        ld1             {\src3\().16b}, [x2], x3
+        movi            v4.8h, #0
+        movi            v5.8h, #0
+        calc_epelb      v4, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        calc_epelb2     v5, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b,  v4.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v4.16b,  v5.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.8b}, [x0], #8
+        st1             {v4.s}[2], [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all4
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_v16_8_neon, export=1
+        load_epel_filterb x6, x5
+        sxtw            x3, w3
+        sxtw            x1, w1
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        ld1             {v16.16b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v17.16b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v18.16b}, [x2], x3
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3
+        ld1             {\src3\().16b}, [x2], x3
+        movi            v4.8h, #0
+        movi            v5.8h, #0
+        calc_epelb      v4, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        calc_epelb2     v5, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b,  v4.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v4.16b,  v5.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.16b}, [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all4
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_v24_8_neon, export=1
+        load_epel_filterb x6, x5
+        sxtw            x3, w3
+        sxtw            x1, w1
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        ld1             {v16.8b, v17.8b, v18.8b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v19.8b, v20.8b, v21.8b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v22.8b, v23.8b, v24.8b}, [x2], x3
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7, src8, src9, src10, src11
+        ld1             {\src9\().8b, \src10\().8b, \src11\().8b}, [x2], x3
+        movi            v4.8h, #0
+        movi            v5.8h, #0
+        movi            v6.8h, #0
+        calc_epelb      v4, \src0, \src3, \src6, \src9
+        calc_epelb      v5, \src1, \src4, \src7, \src10
+        calc_epelb      v6, \src2, \src5, \src8, \src11
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b,  v4.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun        v5.8b,  v5.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun        v6.8b,  v6.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.8b-v6.8b}, [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all12
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_v32_8_neon, export=1
+        load_epel_filterb x6, x5
+        sxtw            x3, w3
+        sxtw            x1, w1
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        ld1             {v16.16b, v17.16b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v18.16b, v19.16b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v20.16b, v21.16b}, [x2], x3
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        ld1             {\src6\().16b, \src7\().16b}, [x2], x3
+        movi            v4.8h, #0
+        movi            v5.8h, #0
+        movi            v6.8h, #0
+        movi            v7.8h, #0
+        calc_epelb      v4, \src0, \src2, \src4, \src6
+        calc_epelb2     v5, \src0, \src2, \src4, \src6
+        calc_epelb      v6, \src1, \src3, \src5, \src7
+        calc_epelb2     v7, \src1, \src3, \src5, \src7
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b,  v4.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v4.16b, v5.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun        v5.8b,  v6.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v5.16b, v7.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.16b, v5.16b}, [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all8
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_v48_8_neon, export=1
+        load_epel_filterb x6, x5
+        sxtw            x3, w3
+        sxtw            x1, w1
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        ld1             {v16.16b, v17.16b, v18.16b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v19.16b, v20.16b, v21.16b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v22.16b, v23.16b, v24.16b}, [x2], x3
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7, src8, src9, src10, src11
+        ld1             {\src9\().16b, \src10\().16b, \src11\().16b}, [x2], x3
+        movi            v4.8h, #0
+        movi            v5.8h, #0
+        movi            v6.8h, #0
+        movi            v7.8h, #0
+        movi            v28.8h, #0
+        movi            v29.8h, #0
+        calc_epelb      v4,  \src0, \src3, \src6, \src9
+        calc_epelb2     v5,  \src0, \src3, \src6, \src9
+        calc_epelb      v6,  \src1, \src4, \src7, \src10
+        calc_epelb2     v7,  \src1, \src4, \src7, \src10
+        calc_epelb      v28, \src2, \src5, \src8, \src11
+        calc_epelb2     v29, \src2, \src5, \src8, \src11
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b,  v4.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v4.16b, v5.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun        v5.8b,  v6.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v5.16b, v7.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun        v6.8b,  v28.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v6.16b, v29.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.16b, v5.16b, v6.16b}, [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all12
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_v64_8_neon, export=1
+        load_epel_filterb x6, x5
+        sub             sp, sp, #32
+        sxtw            x3, w3
+        sxtw            x1, w1
+        st1             {v8.8b-v11.8b}, [sp]
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        ld1             {v16.16b, v17.16b, v18.16b, v19.16b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v20.16b, v21.16b, v22.16b, v23.16b}, [x2], x3
+        ld1             {v24.16b, v25.16b, v26.16b, v27.16b}, [x2], x3
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7, src8, src9, src10, src11, src12, src13, src14, src15
+        ld1             {\src12\().16b, \src13\().16b, \src14\().16b, \src15\().16b}, [x2], x3
+        movi            v4.8h, #0
+        movi            v5.8h, #0
+        movi            v6.8h, #0
+        movi            v7.8h, #0
+        movi            v8.8h, #0
+        movi            v9.8h, #0
+        movi            v10.8h, #0
+        movi            v11.8h, #0
+        calc_epelb      v10, \src3, \src7, \src11, \src15
+        calc_epelb2     v11, \src3, \src7, \src11, \src15
+        calc_epelb      v4,  \src0, \src4, \src8,  \src12
+        calc_epelb2     v5,  \src0, \src4, \src8,  \src12
+        calc_epelb      v6,  \src1, \src5, \src9,  \src13
+        calc_epelb2     v7,  \src1, \src5, \src9,  \src13
+        calc_epelb      v8,  \src2, \src6, \src10, \src14
+        calc_epelb2     v9,  \src2, \src6, \src10, \src14
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b,  v4.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v4.16b, v5.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun        v5.8b,  v6.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v5.16b, v7.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun        v6.8b,  v8.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v6.16b, v9.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun        v7.8b,  v10.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v7.16b, v11.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.16b, v5.16b, v6.16b, v7.16b}, [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all16
+.purgem calc
+2:      ld1             {v8.8b-v11.8b}, [sp]
+        add             sp, sp, #32
+        ret
 #if HAVE_I8MM
diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
index e125b0cfb2..f1e167c50b 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
@@ -161,6 +161,10 @@ NEON8_FNPROTO(pel_uni_w_pixels, (uint8_t *_dst, ptrdiff_t _dststride,
         int height, int denom, int wx, int ox,
         intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width),);
+NEON8_FNPROTO(epel_uni_v, (uint8_t *dst,  ptrdiff_t dststride,
+        const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t srcstride,
+        int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width),);
 NEON8_FNPROTO(epel_uni_w_v, (uint8_t *_dst,  ptrdiff_t _dststride,
         const uint8_t *_src, ptrdiff_t _srcstride,
         int height, int denom, int wx, int ox,
@@ -285,6 +289,7 @@ av_cold void ff_hevc_dsp_init_aarch64(HEVCDSPContext *c, const int bit_depth)
         c->put_hevc_qpel_bi[9][0][1]   = ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_bi_h16_8_neon;
         NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni, 0, 0, pel_uni_pixels,);
+        NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni, 1, 0, epel_uni_v,);
         NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_qpel_uni, 0, 0, pel_uni_pixels,);
         NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni_w, 0, 0, pel_uni_w_pixels,);
         NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_qpel_uni_w, 0, 0, pel_uni_w_pixels,);

-------------- next part --------------
From 50b983819524cf70eded8b1d5c61951b2f651dbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Logan Lyu <Logan.Lyu at myais.com.cn>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 16:06:14 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/9] lavc/aarch64: new optimization for 8-bit hevc_epel_uni_hv

checkasm bench:
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv4_8_c: 204.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv4_8_i8mm: 70.2
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv6_8_c: 378.2
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv6_8_i8mm: 131.9
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv8_8_c: 637.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv8_8_i8mm: 137.9
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv12_8_c: 1301.9
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv12_8_i8mm: 314.2
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv16_8_c: 2203.4
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv16_8_i8mm: 454.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv24_8_c: 4848.2
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv24_8_i8mm: 1065.2
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv32_8_c: 8517.4
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv32_8_i8mm: 1898.4
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv48_8_c: 19591.7
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv48_8_i8mm: 4107.2
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv64_8_c: 33880.2
put_hevc_epel_uni_hv64_8_i8mm: 6568.7

Co-Authored-By: J. Dekker <jdek at itanimul.li>
 libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_epel_neon.S    | 344 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c |   5 +
 2 files changed, 328 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_epel_neon.S b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_epel_neon.S
index 7ce7eec829..4ad1b67081 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_epel_neon.S
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_epel_neon.S
@@ -54,6 +54,29 @@ endconst
         umlsl2          \dst\().8h, \src3\().16b, v3.16b
+.macro load_epel_filterh freg, xreg
+        movrel          \xreg, epel_filters
+        add             \xreg, \xreg, \freg, lsl #2
+        ld1             {v0.8b}, [\xreg]
+        sxtl            v0.8h, v0.8b
+.macro calc_epelh dst, src0, src1, src2, src3
+        smull           \dst\().4s, \src0\().4h, v0.h[0]
+        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src1\().4h, v0.h[1]
+        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src2\().4h, v0.h[2]
+        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src3\().4h, v0.h[3]
+        sqshrn          \dst\().4h, \dst\().4s, #6
+.macro calc_epelh2 dst, tmp, src0, src1, src2, src3
+        smull2          \tmp\().4s, \src0\().8h, v0.h[0]
+        smlal2          \tmp\().4s, \src1\().8h, v0.h[1]
+        smlal2          \tmp\().4s, \src2\().8h, v0.h[2]
+        smlal2          \tmp\().4s, \src3\().8h, v0.h[3]
+        sqshrn2         \dst\().8h, \tmp\().4s, #6
 .macro calc_all4
         calc            v16, v17, v18, v19
         b.eq            2f
@@ -696,6 +719,306 @@ function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_h64_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv4_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #3
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10 // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-32]
+        stp             xzr, x30, [sp, #-48]!
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        sub             x1, x2, x3
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             w3, w4, #3
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_h4_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             xzr, x30, [sp]
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp, #16]
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp, #32]
+        add             sp, sp, #48
+        load_epel_filterh x6, x5
+        mov             x10, #(MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+        ld1             {v16.4h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v17.4h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v18.4h}, [sp], x10
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3
+        ld1             {\src3\().4h}, [sp], x10
+        calc_epelh      v4, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b, v4.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.s}[0], [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all4
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv6_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #3
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10 // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-32]
+        stp             xzr, x30, [sp, #-48]!
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        sub             x1, x2, x3
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             w3, w4, #3
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_h6_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             xzr, x30, [sp]
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp, #16]
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp, #32]
+        add             sp, sp, #48
+        load_epel_filterh x6, x5
+        sub             x1, x1, #4
+        mov             x10, #(MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+        ld1             {v16.8h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v17.8h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v18.8h}, [sp], x10
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3
+        ld1             {\src3\().8h}, [sp], x10
+        calc_epelh      v4,     \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        calc_epelh2     v4, v5, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b, v4.8h, #6
+        st1             {v4.s}[0], [x0], #4
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.h}[2], [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all4
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv8_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #3
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10 // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-32]
+        stp             xzr, x30, [sp, #-48]!
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        sub             x1, x2, x3
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             w3, w4, #3
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_h8_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             xzr, x30, [sp]
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp, #16]
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp, #32]
+        add             sp, sp, #48
+        load_epel_filterh x6, x5
+        mov             x10, #(MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+        ld1             {v16.8h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v17.8h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v18.8h}, [sp], x10
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3
+        ld1             {\src3\().8h}, [sp], x10
+        calc_epelh      v4,     \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        calc_epelh2     v4, v5, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b, v4.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.8b}, [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all4
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv12_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #3
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10 // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-32]
+        stp             xzr, x30, [sp, #-48]!
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        sub             x1, x2, x3
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             w3, w4, #3
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_h12_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             xzr, x30, [sp]
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp, #16]
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp, #32]
+        add             sp, sp, #48
+        load_epel_filterh x6, x5
+        sub             x1, x1, #8
+        mov             x10, #(MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+        ld1             {v16.8h, v17.8h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v18.8h, v19.8h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v20.8h, v21.8h}, [sp], x10
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        ld1             {\src6\().8h, \src7\().8h}, [sp], x10
+        calc_epelh      v4,     \src0, \src2, \src4, \src6
+        calc_epelh2     v4, v5, \src0, \src2, \src4, \src6
+        calc_epelh      v5,     \src1, \src3, \src5, \src7
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b, v4.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v4.16b, v5.8h, #6
+        st1             {v4.8b}, [x0], #8
+        st1             {v4.s}[2], [x0], x1
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+1:      calc_all8
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv16_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #3
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10 // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-32]
+        stp             xzr, x30, [sp, #-48]!
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        sub             x1, x2, x3
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             w3, w4, #3
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_h16_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             xzr, x30, [sp]
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp, #16]
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp, #32]
+        add             sp, sp, #48
+        load_epel_filterh x6, x5
+        mov             x10, #(MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+        ld1             {v16.8h, v17.8h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v18.8h, v19.8h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v20.8h, v21.8h}, [sp], x10
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        ld1             {\src6\().8h, \src7\().8h}, [sp], x10
+        calc_epelh      v4,     \src0, \src2, \src4, \src6
+        calc_epelh2     v4, v5, \src0, \src2, \src4, \src6
+        calc_epelh      v5,     \src1, \src3, \src5, \src7
+        calc_epelh2     v5, v6, \src1, \src3, \src5, \src7
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b, v4.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v4.16b, v5.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.16b}, [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all8
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv24_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #3
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10 // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-32]
+        stp             xzr, x30, [sp, #-48]!
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        sub             x1, x2, x3
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             w3, w4, #3
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_h24_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             xzr, x30, [sp]
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp, #16]
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp, #32]
+        add             sp, sp, #48
+        load_epel_filterh x6, x5
+        mov             x10, #(MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+        ld1             {v16.8h, v17.8h, v18.8h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v19.8h, v20.8h, v21.8h}, [sp], x10
+        ld1             {v22.8h, v23.8h, v24.8h}, [sp], x10
+.macro calc src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7, src8, src9, src10, src11
+        ld1             {\src9\().8h, \src10\().8h, \src11\().8h}, [sp], x10
+        calc_epelh      v4,     \src0, \src3, \src6, \src9
+        calc_epelh2     v4, v5, \src0, \src3, \src6, \src9
+        calc_epelh      v5,     \src1, \src4, \src7, \src10
+        calc_epelh2     v5, v6, \src1, \src4, \src7, \src10
+        calc_epelh      v6,     \src2, \src5, \src8, \src11
+        calc_epelh2     v6, v7, \src2, \src5, \src8, \src11
+        sqrshrun        v4.8b, v4.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun        v5.8b, v5.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun        v6.8b, v6.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v4.8b, v5.8b, v6.8b}, [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all12
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv32_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        stp             x0, x30, [sp, #-16]
+        stp             x1, x2, [sp, #-32]
+        stp             x3, x4, [sp, #-48]
+        stp             x5, x6, [sp, #-64]!
+        mov             x7, #16
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv16_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x5, x6, [sp]
+        ldp             x3, x4, [sp, #16]
+        ldp             x1, x2, [sp, #32]
+        ldr             x0, [sp, #48]
+        add             x0, x0, #16
+        add             x2, x2, #16
+        mov             x7, #16
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv16_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldr             x30, [sp, #56]
+        add             sp, sp, #64
+        ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv48_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        stp             x0, x30, [sp, #-16]
+        stp             x1, x2, [sp, #-32]
+        stp             x3, x4, [sp, #-48]
+        stp             x5, x6, [sp, #-64]!
+        mov             x7, #24
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv24_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x5, x6, [sp]
+        ldp             x3, x4, [sp, #16]
+        ldp             x1, x2, [sp, #32]
+        ldr             x0, [sp, #48]
+        add             x0, x0, #24
+        add             x2, x2, #24
+        mov             x7, #24
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv24_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldr             x30, [sp, #56]
+        add             sp, sp, #64
+        ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv64_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        stp             x0, x30, [sp, #-16]
+        stp             x1, x2, [sp, #-32]
+        stp             x3, x4, [sp, #-48]
+        stp             x5, x6, [sp, #-64]!
+        mov             x7, #16
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv16_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x5, x6, [sp]
+        ldp             x3, x4, [sp, #16]
+        ldp             x1, x2, [sp, #32]
+        ldr             x0, [sp, #48]
+        add             x0, x0, #16
+        add             x2, x2, #16
+        mov             x7, #16
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv16_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x5, x6, [sp]
+        ldp             x3, x4, [sp, #16]
+        ldp             x1, x2, [sp, #32]
+        ldr             x0, [sp, #48]
+        add             x0, x0, #32
+        add             x2, x2, #32
+        mov             x7, #16
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv16_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x5, x6, [sp]
+        ldp             x3, x4, [sp, #16]
+        ldp             x1, x2, [sp, #32]
+        ldr             x0, [sp, #48]
+        add             x0, x0, #48
+        add             x2, x2, #48
+        mov             x7, #16
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_hv16_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldr             x30, [sp, #56]
+        add             sp, sp, #64
+        ret
         ldr             x12, [sp]
         sub             x2, x2, #1
@@ -1138,28 +1461,7 @@ endfunc
         sqxtn2          v6.8h, v31.4s
-.macro calc_epelh dst, src0, src1, src2, src3
-        smull           \dst\().4s, \src0\().4h, v0.h[0]
-        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src1\().4h, v0.h[1]
-        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src2\().4h, v0.h[2]
-        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src3\().4h, v0.h[3]
-        sqshrn          \dst\().4h, \dst\().4s, #6
-.macro calc_epelh2 dst, tmp, src0, src1, src2, src3
-        smull2          \tmp\().4s, \src0\().8h, v0.h[0]
-        smlal2          \tmp\().4s, \src1\().8h, v0.h[1]
-        smlal2          \tmp\().4s, \src2\().8h, v0.h[2]
-        smlal2          \tmp\().4s, \src3\().8h, v0.h[3]
-        sqshrn2         \dst\().8h, \tmp\().4s, #6
-.macro load_epel_filterh freg, xreg
-        movrel          \xreg, epel_filters
-        add             \xreg, \xreg, \freg, lsl #2
-        ld1             {v0.8b}, [\xreg]
-        sxtl            v0.8h, v0.8b
 function ff_hevc_put_hevc_epel_uni_w_hv4_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
index f1e167c50b..bf4e466af8 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
@@ -165,6 +165,10 @@ NEON8_FNPROTO(epel_uni_v, (uint8_t *dst,  ptrdiff_t dststride,
         const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t srcstride,
         int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width),);
+NEON8_FNPROTO(epel_uni_hv, (uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t _dststride,
+        const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t srcstride,
+        int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width), _i8mm);
 NEON8_FNPROTO(epel_uni_w_v, (uint8_t *_dst,  ptrdiff_t _dststride,
         const uint8_t *_src, ptrdiff_t _srcstride,
         int height, int denom, int wx, int ox,
@@ -298,6 +302,7 @@ av_cold void ff_hevc_dsp_init_aarch64(HEVCDSPContext *c, const int bit_depth)
         if (have_i8mm(cpu_flags)) {
             NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel, 0, 1, epel_h, _i8mm);
+            NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni, 1, 1, epel_uni_hv, _i8mm);
             NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni_w, 0, 1, epel_uni_w_h ,_i8mm);
             NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_qpel, 0, 1, qpel_h, _i8mm);
             NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_qpel_uni_w, 0, 1, qpel_uni_w_h, _i8mm);

-------------- next part --------------
From 5951d7062a4761145a9a44a9ff6cd31a86f604bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Logan Lyu <Logan.Lyu at myais.com.cn>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 16:42:25 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 3/9] lavc/aarch64: new optimization for 8-bit hevc_qpel_uni_v

checkasm bench:
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v4_8_c: 146.2
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v4_8_neon: 43.2
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v6_8_c: 303.9
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v6_8_neon: 69.7
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v8_8_c: 495.2
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v8_8_neon: 74.7
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v12_8_c: 1100.9
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v12_8_neon: 222.4
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v16_8_c: 1955.2
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v16_8_neon: 269.2
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v24_8_c: 4571.9
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v24_8_neon: 832.4
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v32_8_c: 8226.4
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v32_8_neon: 1035.7
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v48_8_c: 18324.2
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v48_8_neon: 2321.2
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v64_8_c: 37659.4
put_hevc_qpel_uni_v64_8_neon: 4122.2

Co-Authored-By: J. Dekker <jdek at itanimul.li>
 libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c |   5 +
 libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_qpel_neon.S    | 232 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 237 insertions(+)

diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
index bf4e466af8..6c1e8413eb 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
@@ -192,6 +192,10 @@ NEON8_FNPROTO(qpel_h, (int16_t *dst,
         const uint8_t *_src, ptrdiff_t _srcstride,
         int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width), _i8mm);
+NEON8_FNPROTO(qpel_uni_v, (uint8_t *dst,  ptrdiff_t dststride,
+        const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t srcstride,
+        int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width),);
 NEON8_FNPROTO(qpel_uni_w_h, (uint8_t *_dst,  ptrdiff_t _dststride,
         const uint8_t *_src, ptrdiff_t _srcstride,
         int height, int denom, int wx, int ox,
@@ -295,6 +299,7 @@ av_cold void ff_hevc_dsp_init_aarch64(HEVCDSPContext *c, const int bit_depth)
         NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni, 0, 0, pel_uni_pixels,);
         NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni, 1, 0, epel_uni_v,);
         NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_qpel_uni, 0, 0, pel_uni_pixels,);
+        NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_qpel_uni, 1, 0, qpel_uni_v,);
         NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni_w, 0, 0, pel_uni_w_pixels,);
         NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_qpel_uni_w, 0, 0, pel_uni_w_pixels,);
         NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni_w, 1, 0, epel_uni_w_v,);
diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_qpel_neon.S b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_qpel_neon.S
index e38dff9645..317a0b32b5 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_qpel_neon.S
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_qpel_neon.S
@@ -44,6 +44,39 @@ endconst
         sxtl            v0.8h, v0.8b
+.macro load_qpel_filterb freg, xreg
+        movrel          \xreg, qpel_filters
+        add             \xreg, \xreg, \freg, lsl #3
+        ld4r            {v0.16b, v1.16b, v2.16b, v3.16b}, [\xreg], #4
+        ld4r            {v4.16b, v5.16b, v6.16b, v7.16b}, [\xreg]
+        neg             v0.16b, v0.16b
+        neg             v2.16b, v2.16b
+        neg             v5.16b, v5.16b
+        neg             v7.16b, v7.16b
+.macro calc_qpelb dst, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        umlsl           \dst\().8h, \src0\().8b, v0.8b
+        umlal           \dst\().8h, \src1\().8b, v1.8b
+        umlsl           \dst\().8h, \src2\().8b, v2.8b
+        umlal           \dst\().8h, \src3\().8b, v3.8b
+        umlal           \dst\().8h, \src4\().8b, v4.8b
+        umlsl           \dst\().8h, \src5\().8b, v5.8b
+        umlal           \dst\().8h, \src6\().8b, v6.8b
+        umlsl           \dst\().8h, \src7\().8b, v7.8b
+.macro calc_qpelb2 dst, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        umlsl2          \dst\().8h, \src0\().16b, v0.16b
+        umlal2          \dst\().8h, \src1\().16b, v1.16b
+        umlsl2          \dst\().8h, \src2\().16b, v2.16b
+        umlal2          \dst\().8h, \src3\().16b, v3.16b
+        umlal2          \dst\().8h, \src4\().16b, v4.16b
+        umlsl2          \dst\().8h, \src5\().16b, v5.16b
+        umlal2          \dst\().8h, \src6\().16b, v6.16b
+        umlsl2          \dst\().8h, \src7\().16b, v7.16b
 .macro put_hevc type
 .ifc \type, qpel
         // void put_hevc_qpel_h(int16_t *dst,
@@ -595,6 +628,205 @@ function ff_hevc_put_hevc_pel_uni_pixels64_8_neon, export=1
+.macro calc_all
+        calc            v23, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v16
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v16, v17
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v16, v17, v18
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v16, v17, v18, v19
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v20, v21, v22, v23, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v21, v22, v23, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc            v22, v23, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22
+        b.hi            1b
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v4_8_neon, export=1
+        load_qpel_filterb x6, x5
+        sub             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        ldr             s16, [x2]
+        ldr             s17, [x2, x3]
+        add             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             s18, [x2]
+        ldr             s19, [x2, x3]
+        add             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             s20, [x2]
+        ldr             s21, [x2, x3]
+        add             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             s22, [x2]
+        add             x2, x2, x3
+.macro calc tmp, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        ld1             {\tmp\().s}[0], [x2], x3
+        movi            v24.8h, #0
+        calc_qpelb      v24, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7
+        sqrshrun        v24.8b, v24.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v24.s}[0], [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all
+.purgem calc
+2: ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v6_8_neon, export=1
+        load_qpel_filterb x6, x5
+        sub             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        sub             x1, x1, #4
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        ldr             d16, [x2]
+        ldr             d17, [x2, x3]
+        add             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             d18, [x2]
+        ldr             d19, [x2, x3]
+        add             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             d20, [x2]
+        ldr             d21, [x2, x3]
+        add             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             d22, [x2]
+        add             x2, x2, x3
+.macro calc tmp, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        ld1             {\tmp\().8b}, [x2], x3
+        movi            v24.8h, #0
+        calc_qpelb      v24, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7
+        sqrshrun        v24.8b, v24.8h, #6
+        st1             {v24.s}[0], [x0], #4
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v24.h}[2], [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all
+.purgem calc
+2: ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v8_8_neon, export=1
+        load_qpel_filterb x6, x5
+        sub             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+        ldr             d16, [x2]
+        ldr             d17, [x2, x3]
+        add             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             d18, [x2]
+        ldr             d19, [x2, x3]
+        add             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             d20, [x2]
+        ldr             d21, [x2, x3]
+        add             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             d22, [x2]
+        add             x2, x2, x3
+.macro calc tmp, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        ld1             {\tmp\().8b}, [x2], x3
+        movi            v24.8h, #0
+        calc_qpelb      v24, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7
+        sqrshrun        v24.8b, v24.8h, #6
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v24.8b}, [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all
+.purgem calc
+2: ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v12_8_neon, export=1
+        load_qpel_filterb x6, x5
+        sub             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        sub             x1, x1, #8
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+0:      mov             x8, x2          // src
+        mov             w11, w4         // height
+        mov             x10, x0         // dst
+        ldr             q16, [x8]
+        ldr             q17, [x8, x3]
+        add             x8, x8, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             q18, [x8]
+        ldr             q19, [x8, x3]
+        add             x8, x8, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             q20, [x8]
+        ldr             q21, [x8, x3]
+        add             x8, x8, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             q22, [x8]
+        add             x8, x8, x3
+.macro calc tmp, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        ld1             {\tmp\().16b}, [x8], x3
+        movi            v24.8h, #0
+        movi            v25.8h, #0
+        calc_qpelb      v24, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7
+        calc_qpelb2     v25, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7
+        sqrshrun        v24.8b, v24.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v24.16b, v25.8h, #6
+        st1             {v24.8b}, [x10], #8
+        subs            x11, x11, #1
+        st1             {v24.s}[2], [x10], x1
+1:      calc_all
+.purgem calc
+2:      add             x0, x0, #12
+        add             x2, x2, #12
+        subs            w7, w7, #12
+        b.ne            0b
+        ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v16_8_neon, export=1
+        load_qpel_filterb x6, x5
+        sub             x2, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        sub             x2, x2, x3
+0:      mov             x8, x2          // src
+        mov             w11, w4         // height
+        mov             x10, x0         // dst
+        ldr             q16, [x8]
+        ldr             q17, [x8, x3]
+        add             x8, x8, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             q18, [x8]
+        ldr             q19, [x8, x3]
+        add             x8, x8, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             q20, [x8]
+        ldr             q21, [x8, x3]
+        add             x8, x8, x3, lsl #1
+        ldr             q22, [x8]
+        add             x8, x8, x3
+.macro calc tmp, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        ld1             {\tmp\().16b}, [x8], x3
+        movi            v24.8h, #0
+        movi            v25.8h, #0
+        calc_qpelb      v24, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7
+        calc_qpelb2     v25, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7
+        sqrshrun        v24.8b, v24.8h, #6
+        sqrshrun2       v24.16b, v25.8h, #6
+        subs            x11, x11, #1
+        st1             {v24.16b}, [x10], x1
+1:      calc_all
+.purgem calc
+2:      add             x0, x0, #16
+        add             x2, x2, #16
+        subs            w7, w7, #16
+        b.ne            0b
+        ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v24_8_neon, export=1
+        b X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v12_8_neon)
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v32_8_neon, export=1
+        b X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v16_8_neon)
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v48_8_neon, export=1
+        b X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v16_8_neon)
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v64_8_neon, export=1
+        b X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_v16_8_neon)
 function ff_hevc_put_hevc_pel_uni_w_pixels4_8_neon, export=1
         mov             w10, #-6
         sub             w10, w10, w5

-------------- next part --------------
From d1603acfa6c42870fbc33232a9fa05c6b9412814 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Logan Lyu <Logan.Lyu at myais.com.cn>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 17:00:17 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 4/9] lavc/aarch64: new optimization for 8-bit hevc_qpel_uni_hv

checkasm bench:
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv4_8_c: 489.2
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv4_8_i8mm: 105.7
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv6_8_c: 852.7
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv6_8_i8mm: 268.7
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv8_8_c: 1345.7
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv8_8_i8mm: 300.4
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv12_8_c: 2757.4
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv12_8_i8mm: 581.4
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv16_8_c: 4458.9
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv16_8_i8mm: 860.2
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv24_8_c: 9582.2
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv24_8_i8mm: 2086.7
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv32_8_c: 16401.9
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv32_8_i8mm: 3217.4
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv48_8_c: 36402.4
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv48_8_i8mm: 7082.7
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv64_8_c: 62713.2
put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv64_8_i8mm: 12408.9

Co-Authored-By: J. Dekker <jdek at itanimul.li>
 libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c |   5 +
 libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_qpel_neon.S    | 366 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 371 insertions(+)

diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
index 6c1e8413eb..782cf802f6 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_init_aarch64.c
@@ -196,6 +196,10 @@ NEON8_FNPROTO(qpel_uni_v, (uint8_t *dst,  ptrdiff_t dststride,
         const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t srcstride,
         int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width),);
+NEON8_FNPROTO(qpel_uni_hv, (uint8_t *dst,  ptrdiff_t dststride,
+        const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t srcstride,
+        int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width), _i8mm);
 NEON8_FNPROTO(qpel_uni_w_h, (uint8_t *_dst,  ptrdiff_t _dststride,
         const uint8_t *_src, ptrdiff_t _srcstride,
         int height, int denom, int wx, int ox,
@@ -310,6 +314,7 @@ av_cold void ff_hevc_dsp_init_aarch64(HEVCDSPContext *c, const int bit_depth)
             NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni, 1, 1, epel_uni_hv, _i8mm);
             NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni_w, 0, 1, epel_uni_w_h ,_i8mm);
             NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_qpel, 0, 1, qpel_h, _i8mm);
+            NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_qpel_uni, 1, 1, qpel_uni_hv, _i8mm);
             NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_qpel_uni_w, 0, 1, qpel_uni_w_h, _i8mm);
             NEON8_FNASSIGN(c->put_hevc_epel_uni_w, 1, 1, epel_uni_w_hv, _i8mm);
             NEON8_FNASSIGN_PARTIAL_5(c->put_hevc_qpel_uni_w, 1, 1, qpel_uni_w_hv, _i8mm);
diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_qpel_neon.S b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_qpel_neon.S
index 317a0b32b5..e4525c7924 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_qpel_neon.S
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/hevcdsp_qpel_neon.S
@@ -77,6 +77,45 @@ endconst
         umlsl2          \dst\().8h, \src7\().16b, v7.16b
+.macro load_qpel_filterh freg, xreg
+        movrel          \xreg, qpel_filters
+        add             \xreg, \xreg, \freg, lsl #3
+        ld1             {v0.8b}, [\xreg]
+        sxtl            v0.8h, v0.8b
+.macro calc_qpelh dst, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7, op, shift=6
+        smull           \dst\().4s, \src0\().4h, v0.h[0]
+        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src1\().4h, v0.h[1]
+        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src2\().4h, v0.h[2]
+        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src3\().4h, v0.h[3]
+        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src4\().4h, v0.h[4]
+        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src5\().4h, v0.h[5]
+        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src6\().4h, v0.h[6]
+        smlal           \dst\().4s, \src7\().4h, v0.h[7]
+.ifc \op, sshr
+        sshr            \dst\().4s, \dst\().4s, \shift
+        \op             \dst\().4h, \dst\().4s, \shift
+.macro calc_qpelh2 dst, dstt, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7, op, shift=6
+        smull2          \dstt\().4s, \src0\().8h, v0.h[0]
+        smlal2          \dstt\().4s, \src1\().8h, v0.h[1]
+        smlal2          \dstt\().4s, \src2\().8h, v0.h[2]
+        smlal2          \dstt\().4s, \src3\().8h, v0.h[3]
+        smlal2          \dstt\().4s, \src4\().8h, v0.h[4]
+        smlal2          \dstt\().4s, \src5\().8h, v0.h[5]
+        smlal2          \dstt\().4s, \src6\().8h, v0.h[6]
+        smlal2          \dstt\().4s, \src7\().8h, v0.h[7]
+.ifc \op, sshr
+        sshr            \dst\().4s, \dstt\().4s, \shift
+        \op             \dst\().8h, \dstt\().4s, \shift
 .macro put_hevc type
 .ifc \type, qpel
         // void put_hevc_qpel_h(int16_t *dst,
@@ -1530,6 +1569,333 @@ function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_w_v64_8_neon, export=1
 #if HAVE_I8MM
+.macro calc_all2
+        calc v30, v31, v16, v18, v20, v22, v24, v26, v28, v30, v17, v19, v21, v23, v25, v27, v29, v31
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc v16, v17, v18, v20, v22, v24, v26, v28, v30, v16, v19, v21, v23, v25, v27, v29, v31, v17
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc v18, v19, v20, v22, v24, v26, v28, v30, v16, v18, v21, v23, v25, v27, v29, v31, v17, v19
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc v20, v21, v22, v24, v26, v28, v30, v16, v18, v20, v23, v25, v27, v29, v31, v17, v19, v21
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc v22, v23, v24, v26, v28, v30, v16, v18, v20, v22, v25, v27, v29, v31, v17, v19, v21, v23
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc v24, v25, v26, v28, v30, v16, v18, v20, v22, v24, v27, v29, v31, v17, v19, v21, v23, v25
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc v26, v27, v28, v30, v16, v18, v20, v22, v24, v26, v29, v31, v17, v19, v21, v23, v25, v27
+        b.eq            2f
+        calc v28, v29, v30, v16, v18, v20, v22, v24, v26, v28, v31, v17, v19, v21, v23, v25, v27, v29
+        b.hi            1b
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv4_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #7
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10         // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-16]!
+        sub             x1, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        stp             x30, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
+        sub             x1, x1, x3
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             x3, x4, #7
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_h4_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x30, xzr, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp], #16
+        mov             x9, #(MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp], #16
+        load_qpel_filterh x6, x5
+        ldr             d16, [sp]
+        ldr             d17, [sp, x9]
+        add             sp, sp, x9, lsl #1
+        ldr             d18, [sp]
+        ldr             d19, [sp, x9]
+        add             sp, sp, x9, lsl #1
+        ldr             d20, [sp]
+        ldr             d21, [sp, x9]
+        add             sp, sp, x9, lsl #1
+        ldr             d22, [sp]
+        add             sp, sp, x9
+.macro calc tmp, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        ld1             {\tmp\().4h}, [sp], x9
+        calc_qpelh      v1, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7, sqrshrn, #12
+        sqxtun          v1.8b, v1.8h
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v1.s}[0], [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv6_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #7
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10         // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-16]!
+        sub             x1, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        stp             x30, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
+        sub             x1, x1, x3
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             w3, w4, #7
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_h6_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x30, xzr, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp], #16
+        mov             x9, #(MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp], #16
+        load_qpel_filterh x6, x5
+        sub             x1, x1, #4
+        ldr             q16, [sp]
+        ldr             q17, [sp, x9]
+        add             sp, sp, x9, lsl #1
+        ldr             q18, [sp]
+        ldr             q19, [sp, x9]
+        add             sp, sp, x9, lsl #1
+        ldr             q20, [sp]
+        ldr             q21, [sp, x9]
+        add             sp, sp, x9, lsl #1
+        ldr             q22, [sp]
+        add             sp, sp, x9
+.macro calc tmp, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        ld1             {\tmp\().8h}, [sp], x9
+        calc_qpelh      v1, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7, sqrshrn, #12
+        calc_qpelh2     v1, v2, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7, sqrshrn2, #12
+        sqxtun          v1.8b, v1.8h
+        st1             {v1.s}[0], [x0], #4
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v1.h}[2], [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv8_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #7
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10         // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-16]!
+        sub             x1, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        stp             x30, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
+        sub             x1, x1, x3
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             w3, w4, #7
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_h8_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x30, xzr, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp], #16
+        mov             x9, #(MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp], #16
+        load_qpel_filterh x6, x5
+        ldr             q16, [sp]
+        ldr             q17, [sp, x9]
+        add             sp, sp, x9, lsl #1
+        ldr             q18, [sp]
+        ldr             q19, [sp, x9]
+        add             sp, sp, x9, lsl #1
+        ldr             q20, [sp]
+        ldr             q21, [sp, x9]
+        add             sp, sp, x9, lsl #1
+        ldr             q22, [sp]
+        add             sp, sp, x9
+.macro calc tmp, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7
+        ld1             {\tmp\().8h}, [sp], x9
+        calc_qpelh      v1, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7, sqrshrn, #12
+        calc_qpelh2     v1, v2, \src0, \src1, \src2, \src3, \src4, \src5, \src6, \src7, sqrshrn2, #12
+        sqxtun          v1.8b, v1.8h
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v1.8b}, [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv12_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #7
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10         // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-16]!
+        sub             x1, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        stp             x7, x30, [sp, #-16]!
+        sub             x1, x1, x3
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        add             w3, w4, #7
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_h12_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x7, x30, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp], #16
+        mov             x9, #(MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp], #16
+        load_qpel_filterh x6, x5
+        sub             x1, x1, #8
+        ld1             {v16.8h, v17.8h}, [sp], x9
+        ld1             {v18.8h, v19.8h}, [sp], x9
+        ld1             {v20.8h, v21.8h}, [sp], x9
+        ld1             {v22.8h, v23.8h}, [sp], x9
+        ld1             {v24.8h, v25.8h}, [sp], x9
+        ld1             {v26.8h, v27.8h}, [sp], x9
+        ld1             {v28.8h, v29.8h}, [sp], x9
+.macro calc tmp0, tmp1, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7, src8, src9, src10, src11, src12, src13, src14, src15
+        ld1             {\tmp0\().8h, \tmp1\().8h}, [sp], x9
+        calc_qpelh      v1,     \src0,  \src1, \src2,  \src3,  \src4,  \src5,  \src6,  \src7, sqrshrn, #12
+        calc_qpelh2     v1, v2, \src0, \src1,  \src2,  \src3,  \src4,  \src5,  \src6,  \src7, sqrshrn2, #12
+        calc_qpelh      v2,     \src8, \src9, \src10, \src11, \src12, \src13, \src14, \src15, sqrshrn, #12
+        sqxtun          v1.8b, v1.8h
+        sqxtun2         v1.16b, v2.8h
+        st1             {v1.8b}, [x0], #8
+        subs            w4, w4, #1
+        st1             {v1.s}[2], [x0], x1
+1:      calc_all2
+.purgem calc
+2:      ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv16_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #7
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10         // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x7, x30, [sp, #-16]!
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        sub             x1, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        sub             x1, x1, x3
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             w3, w4, #7
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_h16_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x7, x30, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp], #16
+        mov             x9, #(MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+        load_qpel_filterh x6, x5
+        sub             w12, w9, w7, lsl #1
+0:      mov             x8, sp          // src
+        ld1             {v16.8h, v17.8h}, [x8], x9
+        mov             w11, w4         // height
+        ld1             {v18.8h, v19.8h}, [x8], x9
+        mov             x10, x0         // dst
+        ld1             {v20.8h, v21.8h}, [x8], x9
+        ld1             {v22.8h, v23.8h}, [x8], x9
+        ld1             {v24.8h, v25.8h}, [x8], x9
+        ld1             {v26.8h, v27.8h}, [x8], x9
+        ld1             {v28.8h, v29.8h}, [x8], x9
+.macro calc tmp0, tmp1, src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7, src8, src9, src10, src11, src12, src13, src14, src15
+        ld1             {\tmp0\().8h, \tmp1\().8h}, [x8], x9
+        calc_qpelh      v1,     \src0, \src1, \src2,  \src3,  \src4,  \src5,  \src6,  \src7,  sqrshrn,  #12
+        calc_qpelh2     v1, v2, \src0, \src1, \src2,  \src3,  \src4,  \src5,  \src6,  \src7,  sqrshrn2, #12
+        calc_qpelh      v2,     \src8, \src9, \src10, \src11, \src12, \src13, \src14, \src15, sqrshrn,  #12
+        calc_qpelh2     v2, v3, \src8, \src9, \src10, \src11, \src12, \src13, \src14, \src15, sqrshrn2, #12
+        sqxtun          v1.8b, v1.8h
+        subs            x11, x11, #1
+        sqxtun2         v1.16b, v2.8h
+        st1             {v1.16b}, [x10], x1
+1:      calc_all2
+.purgem calc
+2:      add             x0, x0, #16
+        add             sp, sp, #32
+        subs            w7, w7, #16
+        b.ne            0b
+        add             w10, w4, #6
+        add             sp, sp, x12         // discard rest of first line
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        add             sp, sp, x10         // tmp_array without first line
+        ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv24_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        stp             x6, x30, [sp, #-16]!
+        mov             x7, #16
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x2, x3, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x4, x5, [sp, #-16]!
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv16_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x4, x5, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x2, x3, [sp], #16
+        add             x2, x2, #16
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp], #16
+        mov             x7, #8
+        add             x0, x0, #16
+        ldr             x6, [sp]
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv8_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             xzr, x30, [sp], #16
+        ret
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv32_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #7
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10         // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x7, x30, [sp, #-16]!
+        sub             x1, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        sub             x1, x1, x3
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             w3, w4, #7
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_h32_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x7, x30, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp], #16
+        b               .Lqpel_uni_hv16_loop
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv48_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #7
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10         // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-16]!
+        sub             x1, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        stp             x7, x30, [sp, #-16]!
+        sub             x1, x1, x3
+        mov             x2, x3
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        add             w3, w4, #7
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_h48_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x7, x30, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp], #16
+        b               .Lqpel_uni_hv16_loop
+function ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_uni_hv64_8_neon_i8mm, export=1
+        add             w10, w4, #7
+        lsl             x10, x10, #7
+        sub             sp, sp, x10         // tmp_array
+        stp             x0, x1, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x4, x6, [sp, #-16]!
+        stp             x7, x30, [sp, #-16]!
+        add             x0, sp, #48
+        sub             x1, x2, x3, lsl #1
+        mov             x2, x3
+        sub             x1, x1, x3
+        add             w3, w4, #7
+        mov             x4, x5
+        bl              X(ff_hevc_put_hevc_qpel_h64_8_neon_i8mm)
+        ldp             x7, x30, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x4, x6, [sp], #16
+        ldp             x0, x1, [sp], #16
+        b               .Lqpel_uni_hv16_loop
         ldr             x12, [sp]
         sub             x2, x2, #3

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